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Soil and Biota Analysis Service

Soil is a mixture of organic matter, organisms, gases, liquids, and minerals that together support life. The mineral components of soil are clay, silt and sand, and their relative proportions together determine the texture of soil. On earth, soil is the most abundant ecosystem. Soil animals, including soil mesofauna and soil macrofauna, mix soils as they form pores and burrows, allowing gases and moisture to move about. Plants have fine roots that excrete organic compounds (organic acids, sugars, mucigel), slough off cells (in particular at their tip) and are easily decomposed, adding organic matter to soil. Micro-organisms, including bacteria and fungi, effect chemical exchanges between soil and roots and act as a reserve of nutrients in a soil biological hotspot called rhizosphere.

Soil acts as an engineering medium, a recycling system for nutrients, a habitat for soil organisms, a medium for plant growth, a modifier of atmospheric composition, a regulator of water quality, and organic wastes, making it a critically important provider of human life. But a series of human behavior, including agrichemical application, industrial waste discharge, sewage discharge, oil dumping, and landfills of leaching waste, among other sources, will cause soil contaminant. So there are some techniques to help us know the soil contaminant and biota in conventional and undesirable, harmful, trace level contaminants analysis.

Soil and Biota Analysis at Creative Proteomics

Based on highly experienced and knowledgeable in the application of soil and biota analysis, Creative Proteomics can offer you a state-of-the-art analysis platform with liquid chromatography coupled with various detector options, including mass spectrometry. Creative Proteomics has a legend experienced in soil and biota analysis, we can provide various services to help you analysis soil samples with trace level medium-polar, polar, and ionic compounds. At Creative Proteomics, over 1000s compounds in the soil down to trace level can be identified and quantified, including but limited to:

  • Contaminants in soil:
  1. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) analysis
  2. Pharmaceuticals and personal health care products (PPCPs) analysis
  3. Petroleum-based and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) analysis
  4. Heavy metals analysis
  5. Extractable nutrients analysis, including P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, S
  • Biota, both plant and animal tissues

Creative Proteomics's analytical scientists are highly experienced and knowledgeable in the application of analytic techniques and analyses to a wide variety of agrochemical, crop, environmental contaminants and more. Our experienced scientists and advanced techniques enable us to provide reliable soil and biota analysis service and deliver consistent and high-quality data with cost-efficiency. Please contact us to find out more about our services. We look forward to working with you in the future.


  1. Eisenhauer, N.; et al. Plant diversity effects on soil food webs are stronger than those of elevated CO2 and N deposition in a long-term grassland experiment. PNAS. 2013, 110(17) 6889–6894.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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