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Starch Analysis

What Is Starch

Starch is a polymeric carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units connected by glycosidic bonds, and it is produced by all vegetables as an energy store. It is found in plants (maize, wheat, potato, rice, barley, vegetables, manioc, and sweet potato etc.) and related lower organisms including algae and glaucophytes and is widely present in food and non-food applications. It is one amongst the foremost important organic molecules in human diet. Food is not the sole use of starch. Due to the renewable and biodegradable properties, starch is additionally a suitable raw material in numerous chemical applications such as plastics, detergents, adhesives, additives in cement, coatings etc.

Chemically, starch consists of two varieties of molecules 1) linear and helical amylose and 2) the branched amylopectin. Starch generally contains 20–25% amylose and 75–80% amylopectin, and it slightly varies depending on the sources. Amylose is considered as a semicrystalline biopolymer and is soluble in hot water, while amylopectin is very crystalline and is insoluble in hot water. The chemical structure of starch is shown in Figure 1.

Starch Analysis Figure 1. Chemical structure of starch with amylose and amylopectin units [1]

The properties of starch are widely studied and mostly well-known, however knowledge continues to progress within the understanding of the physicochemical bases of their applications. Binding, thickening, texturing, stabilizing and gelling are a number of the traditional functions of starch. Native starches are perfectly suited to a large variety of applications, food or non-food, where their properties remain irreplaceable. It appeared necessary, in some cases, to boost the performance of the starch and to respond to the requests of customers, giving other improved functionality or behavior: solubility in cold water, more stable viscosity at the variations of temperature, hot fluidity, better stability. This requires to have better knowledge of the properties of starch, such as chain length distribution, the degree of branching, granular distribution, the gelatinization temperature and also the thermal stability of starch. With the comprehensive understanding of the properties of starch, various modifications of starch can be applied to make it possible to obtain easier food preparation, better conservation of food and better stability of food even when heated under severe conditions.

Starch Analysis By Creative Proteomics

As one of the leading companies in the omics field with over years of experience in omics study, Creative Proteomics provides glycomics analysis service customized to your needs. Contact us to discuss your project.

Starch Enzyme Activity
Service NameService ContentTest Method
ADPGDetermination of ADPG activity in samplesChemical Method
GBSSDetermination of ADPG activity in samplesChemical Method
SBEDetermination of SBE activity in samplesChemical Method
SSSDetermination of SSS activity in samplesChemical Method
alpha-amylaseDetermination of alpha-amylase activity in samplesChemical Method
beta-amylaseDetermination of beta-amylase activity in samplesChemical Method
InvertaseDetermination of invertase activity in samplesChemical Method

Basic Starch Analysis
Service NameService ContentTest Method
Moisture ContentDetermination of moisture content using a rapid moisture testerRapid Moisture Tester
Ash ContentDetermination of ash content using a muffle furnaceNational Standard
Crude Fat ContentDetermination of crude fat content using Soxhlet extractionSoxhlet Extractor
Crude Protein ContentDetermination of crude protein using the Kjeldahl methodKjeldahl Method
Starch DigestibilityAssessment of starch digestion and absorption characteristicsEnzyme Digestion
Starch Phosphorylation LevelMeasurement of starch phosphorylation levelIon Chromatography

Starch Physicochemical Properties and Structural Analysis
Service NameService ContentTest Method
Starch ContentDetermination of starch content in samplesEnzyme Method
Amylose ContentDetermination of amylose content in starchIodine Binding Method, Gel Chromatography
Resistant Starch ContentDetermination of resistant starch in samplesEnzyme Digestion
Molecular Weight DistributionAnalysis of starch molecular weight distributionGPC-RI-MALS
Chain Length DistributionChain length distribution of branched starch (DP6-70)Ion Chromatography
Degree of BranchingMeasurement of G-1.4 and G-1,4,6 linkages in starchNMR Spectroscopy
Polymerization DegreePolymerization degree of glucose chains in starchIon Chromatography
Particle Size DistributionMeasurement of starch particle size and distributionMastersizer 3000
Electron MicroscopyObservation of starch particle morphology by scanning electron microscopyField Emission SEM
XRD Diffraction PatternScanning of starch diffraction pattern using X-ray diffractionX-ray Diffraction
ViscosityMeasurement of starch viscosity changes with temperature using a rapid viscometerRapid Viscosity Analyzer
Gelatinization TemperatureDSC scanning of starch gelatinization temperature and enthalpyDifferential Scanning Calorimetry
Thermal StabilityTGA analysis of starch thermal stabilityThermogravimetric Analysis
Infrared SpectroscopyAnalysis of starch bonding patterns using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopyFTIR Spectroscopy
Thermal Analysis"Determination of ash content in starch samples and parameters such as protein, fat, and starch carbon-carbon bond decomposition temperature"Thermal Analysis Instrument

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  1. P.M, Visakh. (2014). STARCH-BASED BIONANOCOMPOSITES: PROCESSING AND PROPERTIES Polysaccharide Building Blocks: A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials, First Edition.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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