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Flow Cytometry Service

Fluorescence–activated cell sorting (FACS) was invented to sort a heterogeneous mixture of cells into different homogenous subpopulations of interest based upon the specific light scattering and fluorescent characteristics of each cell. In a complex cell mixture, the different homogenous subpopulations may have different antigenic and other markers on their surface. These markers can be tagged by the means of fluorescent labels which can be detected by laser and light detectors of fluorescence-activated cell sorting. It provides rapid, accurate and high throughput cell analysis and has been applied to examine diverse biological processes such as cell cycle, cell proliferation, cell viability, cell phenotyping, cell signaling, micronucleus test, intracellular cytokine secretion.

Flow Cytometry (FACS) Service Figure 1. The basic principle of FACS

Fluorescence–activated cell sorting determine cells automatically based either on cellular properties or by fluorescent labeling. The ability to sort cells based on physical characteristic and their fluorescent label signatures enables to isolate well-defined subpopulations of cells in more effective manner than other separation methods likely magnetic separation. The use of fluorescent colors facilitates to detect simultaneously different subpopulations of interest, it is time-effective and labor-saving. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is used as a reporter gene. another complementary is monoclonal antibodies, which is highly specific for its target antigens and can readily be coupled with fluorescein, phycobiliproteins and other fluorochromes. Monoclonal antibodies widely used as FACS reagents enhanced the definition of hundreds of target antigens present on or in cells. FACS is also the most efficient method of cloning cells, especially when they are present in a extremely low frequency.

Flow Cytometry (FACS) ServiceFigure 2. The experimental results of FACS

We have experienced and excellent experts that can provide ideal and customer-tailored experimental designs. The advanced experimental platform in our laboratory makes experiments conducted accurately and with high efficiency. The powerful analysis software and seasoned bioinformation specialists in our team can offer you the professional data analysis.

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*If your organization requires signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.

Proteomics Sample Submission Guidelines

Ensure your samples are prepared and submitted correctly by downloading our comprehensive Proteomics Sample Submission Guidelines. This document provides detailed instructions and essential information to facilitate a smooth submission process. Click the link below to access the PDF and ensure your submission meets all necessary criteria.

Proteomics Sample Submission Guidelines
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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