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N-linked Glycosylation vs. O-linked Glycosylation

What is Glycosylation?

The complex and intricate process of glycosylation involves the addition of carbohydrate molecules, also known as glycans, to an array of biomolecules, including proteins and lipids. This critical process takes place in two distinct subcellular organelles: the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus. In eukaryotic cells, glycosylation is among the most prevalent post-translational modifications, playing a pivotal role in protein folding, stability, and cell signaling.

The diverse world of glycosylation is classified into two main categories: N-linked and O-linked glycosylation, each with its own unique molecular complexities and intricacies. N-linked glycosylation, which involves the glycan being connected to the nitrogen atom of the amino acid asparagine (N), reigns supreme as the most abundant form of glycosylation in eukaryotic cells, accounting for over 90% of all glycosylation events. This complex and multifaceted process, which is initiated by the transfer of a preformed oligosaccharide from a lipid carrier to the nascent protein, is predominantly carried out in the ER and Golgi apparatus.

O-linked glycosylation, which entails the attachment of the glycan to the oxygen atom of the amino acid serine or threonine (O), is a type of glycosylation that occurs primarily in the Golgi apparatus. This intricate and elaborate process is initiated by the addition of a single sugar residue to the serine or threonine residue of the nascent protein, resulting in a unique and diverse array of glycosylated biomolecules.

Diagram showing the structure of N-linked and O-linked glycosylation types (Lin et al., 2020)

Differences between N-linked and O-linked Glycosylation

The data in Table 1 are a summary and overview of the differences between N-linked and O-linked glycosylation.

First and foremost, the disparity in the type of amino acid residues to which the sugar is attached serves as a fundamental divergence. While N-linked glycosylation connects the sugar to an asparagine (N) residue, O-linked glycosylation prefers a serine or threonine (O) residue instead. the seemingly insignificant difference in sugar linkage may result in a pronounced difference in the core structure of the sugar, where N-linked sugars adopt the high mannose type core structure, whereas O-linked sugars offer a more extensive range of core structures, including core 1, core 2, and core 3.

Additionally, another important contrast between N-linked and O-linked glycosylation relates to the type of linkage between the sugar and the protein.

Furthermore, the amount of sugar added in N-linked and O-linked glycosylation differs. In N-linked glycosylation, a protein can exhibit multiple glycan linkages ranging from one to many. In contrast, O-linked glycosylation typically includes only a single sugar residue added to a serine or threonine residue.

Table 1: Differences between N-linked and O-linked glycosylation

AspectN-linked glycosylationO-linked glycosylation
Site of attachmentAsparagine (N)Serine/Threonine (O)
Core structureGlcNAc2-Man9Glc3GalNAc
Linkage typeβ-1,4 glycosidic bondα-O-glycosidic bond
Number of glycans addedMultipleSingle
Modified influence proteinFolding and stabilityExpression and stability
Biological functionProtein localization and secretion, immunogenicity and immune responseCell - cell interaction, signal transduction, virus infection and other biological processes
MechanismCo-translational modification that occurs during protein synthesisPost-translational modification that occurs after protein synthesis is complete.

The intricate biological functions of N-linked glycosylation are mainly related to protein folding and stability, as it plays a key role in preventing protein aggregation. Actually, N-linked glycans can influence protein folding by providing structural support and affecting the conformational stability of proteins. This glycosylation mechanism can also have an impact on protein trafficking and cellular signaling, where N-linked glycans can act as signals for protein recognition and trafficking.

O-linked glycosylation is involved in cell-cell recognition and adhesion and plays a key role in the complex game of intercellular communication. O-linked glycans on cell surface proteins have a remarkable ability to interact with other proteins on neighboring cells and play a key role in immune responses and cell differentiation.

The mechanism of N-linked glycosylation is a co-translational process that involves the addition of glycans to nascent proteins during protein synthesis. This mechanism allows the efficient and timely incorporation of glycans into proteins, ensuring their function and proper folding. O-linked glycosylation, on the other hand, is a post-translational process that occurs after the protein is fully synthesized and folded. This process ensures that the glycans are added to the proteins at the proper location and avoids interfering with the protein folding process.

N-Linked Glycosylation and O-Linked Glycosylation Interactions

N-linked and O-linked glycosylation are two different protein glycosylation pathways that occur in different cellular compartments and have different biological functions. However, in some cases, these two pathways can interact with each other. For example, the formation of mixed glycans, where part of the N-linked glycan structure is attached to an O-linked glycan structure. In addition, N-linked and O-linked glycosylation compete for the same glycosylation site on the protein.

N- and O-linked glycosylation (Van et al., 2005)

Both N-linked and O-linked glycosylation are highly regulated processes, and there are several cases in which these two pathways can cross-regulate each other. For example, O-linked glycosylation can affect the efficiency and specificity of N-linked glycosylation by changing the conformation of the protein. In addition, the enzyme responsible for N-linked glycosylation can be regulated by O-linked glycosylation and vice versa.


  1. Lin, Borong, et al. "Role of protein glycosylation in host-pathogen interaction." Cells 9.4 (2020): 1022.
  2. Van Kooyk, Yvette, and Gabriel A. Rabinovich. "Protein-glycan interactions in the control of innate and adaptive immune responses." Nature immunology 9.6 (2008): 593-601.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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