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Crotonylation Proteomics Analysis Service

As a post-translational modification of proteins, crotonylation plays an important role in chromatin remodeling, cell metabolism, cell cycle, and cellular reorganization. Histone crotonylation is a newly identified covalent epigenetic modification, which is a dynamic process analogous to histone acetylation regulated by histone crotonyl transferases (HCTs) and histone decrotonylases (HDCRs). Meanwhile, lysine crotonylation has been proved to have the function of promoting gene expression. After introducing the negatively charged crotonyl groups, positive charges of histones were neutralized and bound more loosely to negatively charged DNA. Therefore, this overall process ameliorates the binding of transcription factors. Nevertheless, histone crotonylation modifications have been shown to maintain the activity of sex chromosome-associated genes in mid-meiotic divisions.

Although initially identified on histones, lysine crotonylation has expanded to a great number of non‐histone proteins. In order to characterize the global crotonylation proteome, proteomic solutions based on sensitive immune‐affinity purification and high‐resolution liquid chromatography‐tandem (LC‐MS/MS) were applied to identify new crotonylated proteins and modification sites. In addition, the utilization of antibodies with high specificity targeting crotonylated peptides involved in immunoprecipitation significantly advanced the enrichment and identification of crotonylated lysine residues[1].

Our Crotonylation Proteomics Service

Based on our advanced mass spectrometry instrumentations and extensive knowledge in biochemical, Creative Proteomics has launched a crotonylation proteomics service package, which identifies crotonylated proteins and corresponding crotonylation sites for complex samples such as tissues and cells.

Histone crotonylation sites in human

Fig. 1 Human histone crotonylation sites[1]



Customized Bioinformatics Services

Standard AnalysisCustomized Analysis

a)  Collection of output statistics
b) Establishment of database and search for modified proteins
c) Identification of modified proteins and modification sites
d) Annotation of modified proteins
e) Quantitative analysis of modified proteins
f) Analysis of differential expression of modified proteins
g) Functional enrichment analysis of differentially modified proteins GO/KEGG

Modified peptide motif analysis
Protein network interaction prediction
Protein domain prediction (Advanced Analysis)
Protein subcellular localization analysis (Advanced Analysis)

Sample requirements

  • Fresh animal tissue: ≥600 mg
  • Fresh plant tissue: ≥6 g
  • Cell culture: ≥1×107 cells/tube x 3 tubes
  • Fungi and bacteria: ≥600 mg
  • Serum, plasma: 450 μl × 4 tubes
  • Protein solution: total protein of 5-10 mg
  • Body fluid samples: urine of 15 mL × 4 tubes (centrifuge at 1000 x g for 5 minutes and discard sediment); or other body fluids (saliva, amniotic fluid, cell culture supernatant, etc.) > 15 mL


- High specificity and enrichment efficiency by using a chemically stable crotonylated resin IP
- Large-scale identification of enriched crotonylated peptides with mass spectrometry of high resolution and high throughput
- Combining commercially available quantitative techniques to analyze, compare, and correlate crotonylation levels between samples quantitatively


  • Drug target research
  • Disease biomarker screening
  • Plant stress/resistance research
  • Mechanism of action studies

Technology platforms

Ion Chromatography
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS)


  1. Junhu Wan, Hongyang Liu, Jie Chu, Hongquan Zhang. Functions and mechanisms of lysine crotonylation. J Cell Mol Med. 2019 Nov; 23(11): 7163–7169.
  2. Gaoyue Jiang, Chunxia Li, Meng Lu, Kefeng Lu & Huihui Li Protein lysine crotonylation: past, present, perspective. Cell Death & Disease 12, 703 (2021).
  3. Shuo Wang1, Guanqun Mu1, Bingquan Qiu1, Meng Wang1, Zunbo Yu2, Weibin Wang3, Jiadong Wang3, Yang Yang. The Function and related Diseases of Protein Crotonylation. Int J Biol Sci 2021; 17(13):3441-3455.

Proteomics Sample Submission Guidelines

Ensure your samples are prepared and submitted correctly by downloading our comprehensive Proteomics Sample Submission Guidelines. This document provides detailed instructions and essential information to facilitate a smooth submission process. Click the link below to access the PDF and ensure your submission meets all necessary criteria.

Proteomics Sample Submission Guidelines
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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