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Diacylglycerol Analysis Service

What Is Diacylglycerol

A diacylglycerol (DAG), commonly referred to as a diglyceride, represents a crucial glyceride variant composed of two fatty acid chains tethered to a glycerol molecule through ester linkages. The landscape of DAGs encompasses two primary forms, distinguished as 1,2-diacylglycerols and 1,3-diacylglycerols. These structural nuances lay the groundwork for the multifaceted roles played by DAGs within intricate metabolic pathways. The intricate genesis of DAGs unfolds through the enzymatic action of phosphatidic acid phosphatase, facilitating the conversion of phosphatidate into DAG within the confines of the endoplasmic reticulum. Beyond their structural prominence, DAGs emerge as pivotal substrates steering the course of triglyceride biosynthesis, as well as the construction of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. Among these, triglycerides stake a claim in energy storage, while phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine shoulder the responsibility of preserving the structural integrity of cellular membranes.

DAG Signaling Complexity: Exploring Second Messengers and Isomeric Intricacies

DAG, transcending its molecular identity, assumes the dynamic role of a second messenger, orchestrating a symphony of signaling cascades. Through the passage of time, DAG's prowess in activating a diverse spectrum of signaling pathways has been firmly established. The multifaceted functions attributed to distinct DAG isomers are intricately intertwined with their stereochemical configurations. At the forefront of cellular signaling events stand the diacylglycerol kinases (DGKs), pivotal players in the phosphorylation of DAG. This phosphorylation not only halts diacylglycerol signaling but also orchestrates a finely tuned availability of DAG. Remarkably, protein kinase C (PKC) emerges as a prime target of DAG, with its activity experiencing a surge upon interaction with DAG. This catalyzes a series of downstream effects, driven by the phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues. Furthermore, DAG's profound involvement extends to the realm of cellular membrane dynamics, often culminating in the initiation of membrane fusion processes. These processes are predominantly achieved through the partial dehydration of bilayer surfaces and modifications in lipid monolayer curvature, imparting a dynamic dimension to cellular membranes.

Diacylglycerols Functions

Deciphering DAG Influence: Protein Kinase C to Membrane Fusion Insights

The intricate interplay between DAG and protein kinase C (PKC) occupies a central stage in cellular studies. Empirical evidence underscores the fact that the engagement of DAG amplifies the activity of PKC, setting in motion a sequence of downstream events. The strategic phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues becomes a conduit for propagating the signals of DAG to a myriad of cellular targets. Moreover, the pivotal role played by DAG in regulating cellular membrane dynamics and the fusion of membranes imparts an additional layer of complexity. The predominant mechanisms through which DAG triggers membrane fusion encompass the partial dehydration of bilayer surfaces and the modulation of lipid monolayer curvature. These orchestrated events bear critical implications for cellular function and structural resilience.

DAGs' Versatile Role: Connecting Insulin Signaling to Immune Modulation

The web of DAG's influence extends across a multitude of biological processes, underscoring its pivotal role in cellular orchestration. A salient intersection emerges in the domain of insulin signaling, where the accumulation of DAG within intracellular spaces emerges as a correlate to the disruption of insulin signaling pathways. Notably, investigations into transgenic obese animal models have unveiled a compelling association between elevated hepatic and muscle DAG levels and the manifestation of insulin resistance. Beyond the confines of metabolic dynamics, DAG's resonance reverberates within domains such as cancer, nervous system signaling, and immune system regulation, further accentuating its far-reaching significance. The diverse roles undertaken by DAGs across these contexts ignite a sense of anticipation for the forthcoming advancements in this dynamic field.

Diacylglycerols LC–MS Analysis

Modern analytical techniques have breathed new life into the exploration of diacylglycerols, enabling a comprehensive understanding of their multifaceted nature. The LC–MS (Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry) platform emerges as an invaluable tool for the precise detection and quantification of the myriad forms of DAGs. Widely embraced, the insights gleaned from LC–MS analyses serve as a linchpin in deciphering the fluctuations in DAG concentrations, unraveling the intricacies of underlying mechanisms, and uncovering latent biomarkers. A pioneering force in this realm is Creative Proteomics, which has ushered in the era of sensitive, reliable, and accurate LC–MS methodologies, empowering researchers to traverse the intricate landscape of DAGs across an array of sample types. The fusion of analytical precision and nuanced insights fuels optimism for imminent strides within the expansive realm of DAG research.

Diacylglycerols Analysis Workflow

Diacylglycerols Analysis Workflo

DAGs Detected in This Service

Data Analysis

StandardAnalysis content
Standard analysisQuality controlGet high quality data
Method evaluationAssess the quality of the established method
Difference analysis (histogram, violin plot, etc.)Assess group differences for each lipid molecules
Advanced analysisCluster AnalysisExploring the content trend pattern of lipid molecules
Machine learningBiomarkers screening with good diagnostic performance

Feature and Advantage of Diacylglycerol Service

  • Platform advantages: orbitrap mass analyzer, ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry, high-quality data
  • Wide applicability: no species restriction, no standard product restriction
  • High throughput: detect dozens of lipid molecules at one time, saving samples and costs
  • Strong quantitative ability: the sensitivity can reach ppm level, and the linear range can reach 5-6 orders of magnitude
  • State of art facilities
  • Constantly optimized protocol and analytical software
  • Professional experiment design
  • Quick turnaround time

Sample requirement

Sample TypeMinimum Sample Amount
CellsNot less than 1x10^7 cells
TissuesNot less than 250 mg
Serum, PlasmaNot less than 300 μL
Feces and Intestinal ContentsNot less than 200 mg
Microorganisms (Bacteria, Fungi, etc.)Not less than 500 mg, not less than 10^7 CFU/mL
Other Liquid Samples"Urine not less than 1 mL, Saliva not less than 500 μL,
Amniotic Fluid, Bile, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Lymph Fluid, etc., not less than 300 μL"

Lipidomics Sample Submission Guidelines

Download our Lipidomics Sample Preparation Guide for essential instructions on proper sample collection, storage, and transport for optimal experimental results. The guide covers various sample types, including tissues, serum, urine, and cells, along with quantity requirements for untargeted and targeted lipidomics.

Metabolomics Sample Submission Guidelines
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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