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Dialysis in Protein Purification

Dialysis is a critical technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, extensively used for the purification and buffer exchange of proteins and other biomolecules. This process leverages the principle of selective diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane, allowing small molecules such as salts and buffer components to pass through while retaining larger molecules like proteins. This article delves into the intricacies of dialysis, covering its methodology, advantages, limitations, and applications in protein purification.

Principle of Dialysis

The principle of dialysis hinges on the concept of selective diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane, allowing for the separation of molecules based on size and concentration gradients. This fundamental process relies on the following key aspects:

Semi-Permeable Membrane

A semi-permeable membrane is central to dialysis. These membranes are designed to allow certain molecules to pass through while restricting others. The selectivity of these membranes is primarily determined by their molecular weight cut-off (MWCO). The MWCO is the molecular weight at which the membrane retains 90% of the molecules. For example, a membrane with a 10,000 Da MWCO will allow molecules smaller than 10,000 Daltons to pass through while retaining larger molecules.

Diffusion Process

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. In dialysis, this principle is utilized to achieve separation. When a solution containing both small and large molecules is placed inside a dialysis bag or tubing and submerged in a buffer, the concentration gradient drives the diffusion process. Small molecules, such as salts and buffer components, diffuse out of the dialysis bag into the surrounding buffer, while larger molecules, such as proteins, are retained within the bag.


The dialysis process continues until equilibrium is reached. Equilibrium is achieved when the concentration of small molecules is equal on both sides of the membrane. This means that the small molecules have diffused out of the dialysis bag to the point where their concentrations inside and outside the bag are equal, thus stopping further diffusion.

Molecular Weight Cut-Off (MWCO)

The choice of MWCO is critical for the success of dialysis. Selecting the appropriate MWCO ensures that the desired molecules (e.g., proteins) are retained while unwanted small molecules are removed. The MWCO must be chosen based on the size of the target molecule. For example, to purify a protein with a molecular weight of 50,000 Da, a membrane with an MWCO significantly lower than 50,000 Da should be selected to ensure that the protein is retained.

Separation and purification of OPCs.Separation and purification of OPCs. a Dialysis. b Ultrafiltration. c Electrophoresis-cutting purification. d Purification by reversed-phase column chromatography. e Size exclusion chromatography purification. f Anion exchange chromatography purification (Xiao et al., 2020)

Factors Affecting Dialysis

Several factors can influence the efficiency and speed of dialysis:

  • Temperature: Increasing the temperature can increase the rate of diffusion, thereby speeding up the dialysis process. However, care must be taken to avoid temperatures that could denature sensitive biomolecules.
  • Stirring and Agitation: Continuous stirring or agitation of the dialysis buffer helps maintain a concentration gradient, enhancing the efficiency of the diffusion process. This prevents the buffer around the dialysis bag from becoming saturated with the small molecules being removed.
  • Buffer Volume: Using a large volume of buffer relative to the sample volume ensures that the concentration gradient is maintained, facilitating efficient dialysis. Typically, the buffer volume should be at least 100 times the volume of the sample to achieve effective purification.
  • Multiple Buffer Changes: Changing the dialysis buffer multiple times can improve the removal of small molecules. Each buffer change resets the concentration gradient, promoting further diffusion of small molecules out of the dialysis bag.
  • Membrane Surface Area: Increasing the surface area of the dialysis membrane can enhance the rate of diffusion. Using larger dialysis bags or tubing can increase the contact area between the sample and the buffer, improving the efficiency of dialysis.

Dialysis Process: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Selection of Dialysis Membrane

a. Determine Molecular Weight Cut-Off (MWCO):

Select a dialysis membrane with an appropriate MWCO based on the molecular weight of the molecules to be retained. For example, if purifying a protein with a molecular weight of 50,000 Da, choose a membrane with a significantly lower MWCO, such as 10,000 Da, to ensure retention of the protein.

b. Membrane Material:

Choose the membrane material (e.g., cellulose, regenerated cellulose, or polycarbonate) based on the chemical compatibility with the sample and buffer.

2. Preparation of Dialysis Bag

a. Hydrate the Membrane:

If using dry dialysis tubing, hydrate it by soaking in distilled water or the appropriate buffer for at least 30 minutes to ensure it is pliable and free of any preservatives.

b. Load the Sample:

Carefully transfer the sample into the dialysis bag or tubing using a pipette or syringe. Ensure that the sample volume does not exceed the capacity of the bag, leaving enough room for expansion.

c. Seal the Bag:

Securely seal both ends of the dialysis bag to prevent leakage. This can be done using specialized clamps, dialysis clips, or by tying knots if the tubing material allows. Ensure the seals are tight to avoid sample loss.

3. Submersion in Buffer

a. Prepare Dialysis Buffer:

Select an appropriate buffer for dialysis, considering factors such as pH, ionic strength, and compatibility with the sample. Prepare a large volume of buffer—typically 100 times the volume of the sample to ensure effective diffusion.

b. Submerge the Dialysis Bag:

Place the sealed dialysis bag into the buffer container. Ensure the bag is fully submerged and that there is enough space for movement to facilitate efficient diffusion.

c. Stirring and Agitation:

Use a magnetic stirrer or gentle agitation to keep the buffer moving. This helps maintain a concentration gradient and prevents local saturation of small molecules around the dialysis bag.

4. Monitoring and Buffer Changes

a. Regular Monitoring:

Monitor the dialysis process regularly. Check for any signs of leakage or sample loss and ensure the bag remains fully submerged.

b. Buffer Changes:

Change the dialysis buffer periodically to maintain the concentration gradient. Typically, buffer changes are performed every 2-4 hours, but this can vary depending on the sample and experimental requirements. Replace the old buffer with fresh buffer to continue the removal of small molecules.

c. Dialysis Duration:

The duration of dialysis depends on the size and nature of the molecules being removed. Most dialysis processes are completed within 4-24 hours, but it may take longer for certain applications. Monitor the progress by sampling the buffer and measuring the concentration of small molecules.

5. Completion of Dialysis

a. Remove the Dialysis Bag:

Once dialysis is complete, carefully remove the dialysis bag from the buffer container. Handle the bag gently to avoid tearing or contamination.

b. Recover the Sample:

Open the dialysis bag carefully, using scissors or a sharp blade if necessary. Transfer the dialyzed sample to a clean container using a pipette or syringe. Ensure minimal loss of sample during transfer.

c. Concentration and Further Processing:

If needed, concentrate the dialyzed sample using methods such as lyophilization or centrifugal concentration. The dialyzed and concentrated sample can then be used for downstream applications, such as biochemical assays, protein crystallization, or other analytical techniques.

Advantages of Dialysis

High Selectivity:

Dialysis membranes are available with various molecular weight cut-offs (MWCOs), allowing precise selection based on the size of molecules to be retained or removed. This ensures that only small unwanted molecules diffuse out, while larger target molecules are retained.

Gentle on Samples:

Dialysis is a passive process that relies on diffusion rather than mechanical forces, resulting in minimal shear stress. This makes it ideal for sensitive biological molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids that may be denatured or degraded by harsher methods.


Dialysis can be performed using a wide range of buffers and solvents, allowing it to be adapted for different experimental needs, such as changing the ionic strength, pH, or removing specific contaminants without altering the overall sample composition.


Dialysis requires relatively inexpensive equipment and materials, such as dialysis tubing or membranes and buffer solutions. This makes it a cost-effective option for laboratories, especially for routine sample preparation and purification tasks.


Dialysis can be easily scaled up or down depending on the sample volume. It is suitable for small-scale laboratory experiments as well as large-scale industrial applications. Dialysis bags or cassettes come in various sizes to accommodate different volumes.


Since dialysis does not involve harsh chemicals or extreme conditions, it helps preserve the biological activity and native conformation of sensitive molecules. This is particularly important for applications requiring functional proteins or nucleic acids.

Simple Operation:

The dialysis process is straightforward and does not require complex instrumentation or extensive training. Once the sample is loaded into the dialysis bag and submerged in the buffer, it primarily requires periodic monitoring and buffer changes.

Effective Removal of Small Molecules:

Dialysis is highly effective at removing small molecules such as salts, reducing agents, and other low-molecular-weight contaminants. This is crucial for downstream applications where the presence of such contaminants can interfere with analytical techniques or reactions.

Wide Range of Applications:

Dialysis is used in various applications, including desalting, buffer exchange, concentration of samples, removal of low-molecular-weight impurities, and preparation of samples for electrophoresis, chromatography, and mass spectrometry.

Environmentally Friendly:

Compared to some purification methods that require large volumes of organic solvents or reagents, dialysis uses mainly water-based buffers. This reduces the environmental impact and the need for disposal of hazardous waste.

Limitations of Dialysis

Limitations of Dialysis

While dialysis offers numerous advantages, it also has several limitations that must be considered when choosing this method for sample preparation and purification. Here are the primary limitations:

Time-Consuming: Dialysis is inherently a slow process, often requiring several hours to days to achieve equilibrium, especially for large sample volumes or when significant buffer exchange is needed. This can be a drawback when rapid sample processing is required.

Limited Efficiency for Small Volumes: Dialysis is not as efficient for very small sample volumes due to the difficulty in handling small quantities and potential sample loss. Alternative methods such as ultrafiltration or spin columns might be more suitable for small-scale applications.

Sample Dilution: During dialysis, the sample may become diluted, which could necessitate subsequent concentration steps. This can be particularly problematic when working with low-abundance proteins or other biomolecules, requiring additional processing to achieve the desired concentration.

Incompatibility with Some Samples: Certain proteins and other biomolecules may be unstable during prolonged dialysis, potentially leading to denaturation or aggregation. Careful optimization of conditions and stabilizing additives are often required to maintain sample integrity.

Labor-Intensive: Although the operation of dialysis is straightforward, it requires periodic monitoring and buffer changes to maintain efficiency and prevent contamination. This can be labor-intensive, especially for large-scale or high-throughput applications.

Membrane Fouling: The semi-permeable membrane used in dialysis can become fouled by particulates or highly viscous samples, reducing the efficiency of the process. This necessitates pre-treatment of samples to remove particulates or using high-quality membranes to minimize fouling.

Selectivity Limitations: While dialysis membranes are available with different MWCOs, the selectivity is not absolute. Some small proteins or peptides close to the MWCO can pass through the membrane, leading to potential sample loss or incomplete removal of contaminants.

Buffer Compatibility: Dialysis relies on diffusion, which can be affected by the ionic strength, pH, and composition of the buffer. Incompatible buffer conditions can result in inefficient dialysis, requiring careful selection and optimization of the buffer system used.

Equipment Constraints: Dialysis requires specific equipment such as dialysis tubing or cassettes, and large buffer reservoirs, which may not be available in all laboratory settings. Additionally, maintaining a stirred buffer reservoir to enhance diffusion can be cumbersome.

Potential for Contamination: The open nature of dialysis systems can lead to contamination from the environment, especially during long dialysis periods. Ensuring a clean working environment and using sterile equipment and buffers is essential to minimize this risk.

Limited Control Over Final Conditions: Dialysis allows for passive equilibration but offers limited control over the final buffer conditions. This can be a limitation when precise buffer composition is required, necessitating further adjustments post-dialysis.

Scalability Issues: While dialysis can be scaled up for large volumes, managing very large-scale dialysis setups can be challenging and resource-intensive. Alternative methods such as diafiltration or chromatography might be more practical for industrial-scale operations.

Despite these limitations, dialysis remains a valuable tool in many laboratory settings due to its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and gentle treatment of sensitive biomolecules. Understanding and mitigating these limitations through careful planning and optimization can enhance the effectiveness of dialysis in various applications.


  1. Xiao, Fan, et al. "Oligonucleotide-polymer conjugates: From molecular basic to practical application." DNA Nanotechnology: From Structure to Functionality (2020): 191-233.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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