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Desalting in Protein Purification

Desalting is a crucial technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, essential for the purification and buffer exchange of proteins and other biomolecules. This process removes low molecular weight contaminants, such as salts, from protein solutions, ensuring that samples are suitable for downstream applications. This article delves into the principles, methodologies, advantages, limitations, and applications of desalting, providing a detailed understanding of its role in protein purification.

Principles of Desalting in Protein Purification

Desalting plays a pivotal role in protein purification by effectively removing salts and other low molecular weight contaminants from biological samples. This process relies on size exclusion chromatography (SEC), where molecules are separated based on their size rather than affinity for a stationary phase.

Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC): SEC columns contain porous beads that exclude molecules above a certain molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) while allowing smaller molecules to penetrate the beads' pores. This property enables the separation of proteins from salts and small molecules, ensuring purified samples free of contaminants.

Importance of Molecular Weight Cut-Off (MWCO): Selecting the appropriate SEC column with a suitable MWCO is critical. For desalting, columns with a MWCO higher than the molecular weight of the target protein are chosen. This ensures that salts and other small molecules, which elute later, do not interfere with the purified protein's fraction.

Principle of Operation: During SEC, the sample mixture is loaded onto the SEC column in a buffer. As the buffer flows through the column, smaller molecules (e.g., salts) pass through the column's beads more slowly than larger molecules (e.g., proteins). Consequently, the proteins, being larger, are eluted earlier, while salts and other contaminants are eluted later.

Benefits of SEC in Desalting: SEC is advantageous because it is a gentle technique that does not denature proteins. It operates under mild conditions and can handle a wide range of sample types and buffer conditions. Moreover, SEC is scalable from analytical to preparative scales, making it suitable for both research and industrial applications in protein purification.

Desalting Process: Step-by-Step Guide

Selection of Desalting Column or Device:

Choose a desalting column or device based on the sample volume and desired purity level. Columns with appropriate size-exclusion limits (MWCO) are commonly used for desalting applications.


Equilibrate the desalting column with the desired buffer solution. This buffer should be compatible with both the sample and the chromatography medium to ensure optimal desalting efficiency.

Sample Loading:

Load the sample onto the equilibrated desalting column. Ensure that the sample volume does not exceed the column's recommended capacity to prevent sample breakthrough or column overloading.

Elution and Collection:

Add additional buffer to the column to elute the sample. Collect the fractions containing the desalted protein or biomolecule of interest according to the manufacturer's instructions or based on the elution profile.

Monitoring and Fraction Collection:

Monitor the elution process using appropriate analytical techniques (e.g., UV absorption at 280 nm for proteins). Collect fractions corresponding to the desired protein peak, discarding those containing salts and contaminants.

Concentration (if needed):

Concentrate the desalted protein sample if necessary using methods such as ultrafiltration or centrifugal concentrators. This step helps in achieving higher protein concentrations for downstream applications.

Storage or Immediate Use:

Store the desalted protein sample appropriately at recommended temperatures and conditions if it is not immediately used for further experiments or analyses. Proper storage conditions preserve the sample integrity and activity.

Cleaning and Storage of Columns:

Clean and store desalting columns according to the manufacturer's instructions to maintain their performance and longevity. Proper column care ensures consistent desalting results in future applications.

Quality Control:

Perform quality control checks on the desalted sample using appropriate assays or analytical techniques to verify the purity and integrity of the purified protein or biomolecule.


Document the desalting process, including the buffer compositions used, column specifications, elution profiles, and storage conditions. Proper documentation aids in reproducibility and troubleshooting if needed.

Diagrams and images illustrating the purification and desalting process for ELP-tagged proteins, including a precipitation cycle, ELP-sfGFP model structure, process overview, and ethanol-induced precipitation at 4°C.(a) Schematic representation of how a single precipitation cycle is used to purify an ELP-tagged protein of interest. (b) Schematic of ELP-sfGFP used as the model protein in this work, including the ELP repeat sequence. (c) Overview of the final process for ELP-tagged protein purification and desalting proposed in this work. (d) Images of ELP-sfGFP in solution at 4 °C with 0 and 30 vol % ethanol, demonstrating the ethanol-induced precipitation of this protein (Mills et al., 2021).

Advantages of Desalting in Protein Purification

Removal of Salts and Small Molecules:

The primary advantage of desalting is the efficient removal of salts, buffers, and other small molecules from protein samples. This purification step ensures that contaminants, which can interfere with subsequent analyses or assays, are effectively eliminated.

Preservation of Protein Integrity:

Desalting methods are designed to preserve the integrity and biological activity of proteins. By gently removing salts and contaminants through size exclusion or dialysis, desalting minimizes the risk of protein denaturation or aggregation that may occur with harsh purification methods.

Enhancement of Analytical Sensitivity:

Desalting improves the sensitivity of analytical techniques used for protein characterization and quantification. By reducing background noise from salts and low molecular weight compounds, desalted samples yield clearer and more accurate results in assays such as spectrophotometry, chromatography, and mass spectrometry.

Facilitation of Buffer Exchange:

Desalting allows for efficient buffer exchange, enabling researchers to transition protein samples into a desired buffer system suitable for downstream experiments. This capability is essential for adjusting pH, ionic strength, or other environmental factors that influence protein stability and function.

Compatibility with Sensitive Biomolecules:

Desalting methods are particularly suitable for purifying sensitive biomolecules, including enzymes, antibodies, and nucleic acids. These molecules often require gentle handling to maintain their native structure and functionality, which desalting accomplishes without compromising their biological properties.

Versatility and Adaptability:

Desalting techniques are versatile and adaptable to various sample volumes and types. From small-scale laboratory experiments to large-scale industrial applications, desalting columns and devices are available in different sizes and formats, accommodating diverse research and production needs.


Desalting is a cost-effective purification method compared to more complex chromatographic techniques. It requires minimal equipment and consumables, such as desalting columns or dialysis devices, and reduces the consumption of expensive reagents and buffers.

Time-Efficiency for Routine Applications:

For routine protein purification tasks, desalting offers a time-efficient solution. The process is straightforward and can be completed within hours, making it suitable for rapid sample preparation in laboratories conducting frequent protein analyses or assays.

Environmental Friendliness:

Desalting methods typically utilize water-based buffers and minimal chemicals, reducing the environmental impact associated with purification processes that require organic solvents or harsh chemicals. This eco-friendly approach aligns with sustainable laboratory practices.

Limitations of Desalting in Protein Purification

Limited Separation Capability:

Desalting is effective for removing salts and small molecules, but it lacks the resolution to separate proteins with similar sizes or properties. This limitation means that desalting cannot distinguish between different proteins or protein isoforms, which is a critical requirement in many analytical and preparative applications.

Potential Protein Loss:

During the desalting process, especially with techniques like dialysis or gel filtration, there can be a significant loss of protein. This loss may occur due to non-specific binding to the desalting medium, aggregation, or incomplete recovery from the desalting apparatus. Such losses can be problematic, particularly when working with low-abundance proteins.

Dilution of Protein Samples:

Desalting often results in the dilution of protein samples. For example, during gel filtration, the elution volume may be larger than the initial sample volume, leading to a decrease in protein concentration. This dilution can necessitate additional concentration steps, adding complexity and time to the purification workflow.

Size Exclusion Limitations:

Gel filtration desalting is constrained by the size exclusion limits of the column. Very small molecules or ions may not be completely removed if they fall within the fractionation range of the gel. Conversely, very large macromolecular complexes might not be retained efficiently, leading to incomplete desalting.

Compatibility Issues with Some Proteins:

Certain proteins may not be compatible with all desalting methods. For instance, some proteins may aggregate or precipitate when exposed to the desalting conditions, particularly if the buffer composition or ionic strength changes significantly. This issue can result in reduced recovery or loss of protein functionality.

Labor and Time-Intensive for Large Volumes:

Desalting large volumes of protein solution can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. Techniques like dialysis require long equilibration times, and gel filtration columns may need to be run multiple times for larger sample volumes. This inefficiency can be a bottleneck in high-throughput settings or large-scale protein production.

Buffer Exchange Efficiency:

While desalting facilitates buffer exchange, achieving complete removal of the original buffer components can be challenging. Residual buffer salts or molecules may remain, potentially affecting downstream applications. Multiple rounds of desalting may be required for thorough buffer exchange, further complicating the process.

Equipment and Consumable Costs:

Although desalting is generally cost-effective, the need for specialized columns, dialysis tubing, or desalting devices can still represent a significant expense, especially for laboratories with limited budgets. Additionally, disposable consumables add recurring costs to the purification process.

Limited Application Scope:

Desalting is not suitable for all types of samples. For example, samples containing high concentrations of lipids or other hydrophobic substances may clog gel filtration columns or interfere with dialysis membranes. These limitations necessitate alternative purification strategies for such complex samples.

Scalability Challenges:

Scaling up desalting processes for industrial or large-scale biotechnological applications can be challenging. The methods that work efficiently at the bench scale may not translate directly to larger volumes without significant optimization and investment in specialized equipment.


  1. Mills, Carolyn E., Erika Ding, and Bradley Olsen. "Protein purification by ethanol-induced phase transitions of the elastin-like polypeptide (ELP)." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58.27 (2019): 11698-11709.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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