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Proteomics in Food Science: Advancing Quality, Safety, and Processing Optimization

Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins and their functions, plays a key role in advancing research in the field of food science. It has provided valuable insights into the composition, structure and function of proteins in various food sources, facilitating the development of innovative food products, quality control measures and safety assessments.

Several Proteomic Techniques are Employed in Food Science Research

Gel-based techniques: such as one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D SDS-PAGE) and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D PAGE), are commonly used to separate and visualize proteins based on their molecular weight and isoelectric point.

Mass spectrometry (MS): used for protein identification, quantification and characterization. Techniques such as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) enable the analysis of complex protein mixtures in food samples. Mass spectrometry-based methods provide information on protein sequences, modifications and protein-protein interactions.

Progress in Proteomics-based AllergomicsProgress in Proteomics-based Allergomics (Carrera et al., 2020)

Protein profiling and fingerprinting: Protein analysis techniques, such as two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and shotgun proteomics, allow the comparison of protein expression patterns between different food samples or treatments. Using techniques such as peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) and selected response monitoring (SRM), protein fingerprinting helps identify and quantify specific proteins of interest.

Learn more about The Principle, Characteristics and Application of Peptide Mass Fingerprinting

Bioinformatics analysis: Bioinformatics tools are essential for data analysis and interpretation in proteomics. They facilitate protein identification, database search, protein function prediction and pathway analysis. Bioinformatics platforms facilitate the integration of proteomics data with other omics data, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the composition and function of food products.

Proteomics in Food Quality Assessment

Through protein identification and quantification, proteomics helps researchers understand the molecular basis of food attributes such as texture, flavor, aroma and nutrient content. This information is critical to ensuring and maintaining high quality food.

Proteomics is able to characterize protein changes during food storage, processing and aging. As foods go through these stages, proteins may undergo modifications, degradation or interactions that affect their overall quality. Proteomics technologies can detect and analyze these protein changes to provide insight into the underlying mechanisms of quality decline.

For example, proteomic analysis can reveal how proteins involved in texture formation, such as enzymes and structural proteins, are affected by processing methods or storage conditions. By understanding the specific protein changes that occur, researchers can develop strategies to optimize processing techniques or storage conditions to maintain desired texture characteristics.

Proteomics can also assess protein changes associated with flavor and aroma. Proteins play a critical role in flavor perception by facilitating the release and perception of volatile compounds. Through proteomic analysis, researchers can identify proteins associated with flavor formation, assess how they change during food processing or aging, and understand their impact on overall flavor and aroma.

Nutritional composition is another important aspect of food quality. Proteomics enables the identification and quantification of proteins that contribute to the nutritional value of food, such as enzymes, transport proteins and storage proteins. By analyzing changes in these proteins, researchers can gain insight into the preservation or loss of nutrients during processing or storage and help develop strategies to optimize the nutritional quality of foods.

Workflow of proteomics: discovery and targeted proteomicsWorkflow of proteomics: discovery and targeted proteomics (Carrera et al., 2020).

Proteomics in Food Safety and Allergen Detection

Food safety is a top priority and proteomics plays a crucial role in detecting and managing allergenic proteins in food. Allergens are proteins that trigger an immune response in susceptible individuals, resulting in an allergic reaction. Proteomics technologies can identify, characterize and quantify allergen proteins and contribute to allergen detection and control strategies. Proteomic analysis allows researchers to analyze the protein composition of food samples, enabling the detection of allergenic proteins. By comparing these profiles with known allergen proteins, specific allergens can be identified. This information is critical for labeling requirements and to ensure that the presence of allergens is accurately declared on food labels, enabling people with allergies to make informed choices about the foods they consume.

Proteomics facilitates the quantification of allergen proteins, providing valuable information about their levels in foods. Accurate quantification of allergens is essential for assessing the risk of allergic reactions and determining appropriate thresholds for labeling and regulatory purposes. Proteomics also contributes to the understanding of the structural and biochemical properties of allergenic proteins. This knowledge helps to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of allergenicity and cross-reactivity between different allergens. By studying the interactions between allergenic proteins and other components of the food matrix, researchers can identify potential mitigating factors or processing techniques to reduce allergenicity and improve food safety.

In addition, proteomics techniques can be used to identify and characterize foodborne pathogens, toxins, and adulterants.

General approach for proteomics application in food scienceGeneral approach for proteomics application in food science (Piras et al., 2016)

Proteomics in Food Processing Optimization

Processing techniques such as heat treatment, fermentation and drying can significantly affect the composition and properties of proteins in food products. Proteomic analysis enables researchers to assess changes in protein profiles that occur during processing and facilitate optimization of processing conditions to maintain desired protein properties and minimize nutritional losses.

Proteomics analysis allows stakeholders to identify and characterize structural modifications to proteins caused by processing methods. For example, heat treatment can lead to denaturation or aggregation of proteins, which can affect their solubility, digestibility and functional properties. By understanding these structural changes at the proteome level, researchers can modify processing parameters such as temperature, time and pH to achieve desired protein functions while maintaining nutritional integrity.

Certain processing methods can enhance or alter the functional properties of proteins, such as their ability to emulsify, foam or gel. Proteomics analysis allows researchers to identify proteins involved in these functional changes and develop strategies to optimize processing conditions to achieve desired functional outcomes.

In addition, proteomics helps assess the impact of processing techniques on the nutritional value of foods. Processing methods can result in nutritional losses or changes in protein digestibility, bioavailability and allergenicity. By analyzing the proteome, specific proteins or peptides that are susceptible to degradation or modification during processing can be identified. This information can guide the development of processing strategies to minimize nutritional losses and maintain the nutritional quality of foods.


  1. Carrera, Mónica, Carmen Piñeiro, and Iciar Martinez. "Proteomic strategies to evaluate the impact of farming conditions on food quality and safety in aquaculture products." Foods 9.8 (2020): 1050.
  2. Carrera, Mónica, Manuel Pazos, and María Gasset. "Proteomics-based methodologies for the detection and quantification of seafood allergens." Foods 9.8 (2020): 1134.
  3. Piras, Cristian, et al. "Proteomics in food: Quality, safety, microbes, and allergens." Proteomics 16.5 (2016): 799-815.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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