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Carotenoids Analysis Service

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What are Carotenoids?

Carotenoids, found in a wide range of fruits and vegetables, contribute to their vibrant colors, including shades of orange, yellow, and bright red. These pigments are crucial for plant health and serve as auxiliary chloroplast pigments during photosynthesis, safeguarding chlorophyll from damage caused by intense light. Additionally, carotenoids act as precursors for synthesizing abscisic acid (ABA).

Carotenoids belong to the category of phytonutrients and are found within the cells of a broad spectrum of organisms, encompassing bacteria, algae, and plants. Although foods rich in carotenoids are generally recognized by their red, yellow, or orange coloration, exceptions do exist. It is worth highlighting that animals lack the ability to internally synthesize carotenoids and must obtain them through their dietary intake.

Inside the human body, carotenoids function as the predominant source of vitamin A and bestow a myriad of health advantages, including antioxidative effects, immune system modulation, anticancer potential, anti-aging properties, and the prevention of night blindness. The biosynthesis pathway of carotenoids is comprehensively elucidated, commencing with geranylgeranyl diphosphate as the precursor. This intricate pathway is characterized by enzymatic catalysis facilitated by enzymes such as IPI, GGPS, PSY, PDS, ZDS, LycB, and LycE, culminating in the generation of diverse carotenoid compounds.

Types of Carotenoids

Carotenoids, with a tally exceeding 750 identified variants, are categorized into two principal groups predicated on their chemical composition. The first category, carotenes, is characterized by their exclusive composition of carbon and hydrogen atoms. In contrast, the second category, xanthophylls, encompasses compounds endowed with oxygen functional groups, including hydroxyl, ketone, carboxyl, and methoxy groups, typified by instances like lutein and astaxanthin. Carotenes exist freely in plants, while xanthophylls can occur in both free and esterified forms in plants due to their capacity to bind with various fatty acids, forming carotenoid esters. Carotenes appear orange, while xanthophylls exhibit a more yellow hue. Notably, lutein and zeaxanthin, prominent xanthophylls, are the sole carotenoids located in the human retina's macula lutea, primarily contributing to ocular health. Their accumulation in the retina may induce ionization and retinal damage. Furthermore, lutein, through its role in inhibiting cholesterol buildup in arteries, plays a role in atherosclerosis prevention. Among the common carotenes are beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lycopene. Beta-carotene is associated with sunburn protection and reduced metabolic syndrome risk. Research has suggested that alpha-carotene may have potential longevity benefits, while lycopene is linked to the elimination of free radicals, reduced prostate cancer risk, and the prevention of osteoporosis development.

Our Carotenoids Quantitative Analysis Service

Creative Proteomics has developed two specialized methods to meet the diverse requirements of carotenoid analysis: standard carotenoid detection and saponified carotenoid detection. Unlike standard detection, saponified carotenoid detection includes a saponification step to hydrolyze carotenoid esters, enabling the detection of both free and esterified carotenoids. For comprehensive data interpretation, we have also established a robust analysis strategy, detailed in the workflow diagram below.

We provide diverse advanced methods for carotenoid quantification across various sample types, including liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methods, as well as high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) and high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Each method is designed for simplicity, efficiency, broad applicability, and high accuracy. Together, these methods enable rapid detection and precise quantification of three major compound groups: carotenoids, xanthophylls, and carotenoid esters, covering a total of 66 distinct carotenoids.

Our absolute quantification approach leverages partial isotope internal standards for enhanced semi-quantification, allowing researchers to accurately measure carotenoid levels within biological systems and gain deeper insights into carotenoid dynamics and their multifaceted functions.

Workflow of Carotenoids Analysis

Carotenoid Compounds We Can Analyze

ClassificationDetectable Carotenoid Compounds
Carotene Alpha-Carotene, Lycopene, Gamma-Carotene, Beta-Carotene, Phytofluene, (E/Z)-Phytoene, Epsilon-Carotene
Carotenoid Ester Zeaxanthin Dipalmitate, Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate, Lutein Caprate, Lutein Laurate, Lutein Myristate, Lutein Palmitate, Lutein Stearate, 5,6-Epoxy-Lutein Dilaurate, Lutein Dilaurate, 5,6-Epoxy-Lutein-Caprate-Palmitate, Lutein Dimyristate, Lutein Dipalmitate, Lutein Distearate, Lutein Dioleate, Lutein Oleate, Neochrome Palmitate, Rubixanthin Caprate, Rubixanthin Laurate, Rubixanthin Myristate, Rubixanthin Palmitate, Violaxanthin Dibutyrate, Violaxanthin Laurate, Violaxanthin Myristate, Violaxanthin Palmitate, Violaxanthin Palmitoleate, Violaxanthin Dilaurate, Violaxanthin-Myristate-Caprate, Violaxanthin-Myristate-Laurate, Violaxanthin Dimyristate, Violaxanthin-Myristate-Palmitate, Violaxanthin Dipalmitate, Violaxanthin-Myristate-Oleate, Violaxanthin Dioleate, Zeaxanthin Myristoleate, Zeaxanthin Palmitate, Zeaxanthin-Caprate-Laurate, Zeaxanthin Dilaurate, Zeaxanthin-Laurate-Myristate, Zeaxanthin Dimyristate, Zeaxanthin-Laurate-Palmitate, Zeaxanthin-Myristate-Palmitate, Zeaxanthin-Palmitate-Stearate, Zeaxanthin-Oleate-Palmitate, Beta-Cryptoxanthin Laurate, Beta-Cryptoxanthin Myristate, Beta-Cryptoxanthin Palmitate, Beta-Cryptoxanthin Oleate
Xanthophyll Antheraxanthin, Zeaxanthin, Violaxanthin, Neoxanthin, Lutein, Beta-Cryptoxanthin, Astaxanthin, Apocarotenal, Capsanthin, Alpha-Cryptoxanthin, Capsorubin, Canthaxanthin, Echinenone, Beta-Citraurin
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Metabolomics Services

We provide unbiased untargeted metabolomics and precise targeted metabolomics services to unravel the secrets of biological processes.

Our untargeted approach identifies and screens for differential metabolites, which are confirmed by standard methods. Follow-up targeted metabolomics studies validate important findings and support biomarker development.

Download our brochure to learn more about our solutions.

Advantages of Carotenoid Analysis

  • High throughput with multiple carotenoid indices available for selection.
  • High sensitivity with detection accuracy down to the ng level.
  • Absolute quantification of standard samples, providing standard curves for each compound.
  • Instrument identification with additional manual screening, along with pre-sales consultation and post-sales technical support.

Application of Carotenoids Analysis

  • Research on plant growth and development.
  • Studies on plant responses to environmental stress (insect resistance, disease resistance, drought tolerance).
  • Research on plant nutrition and quality.
  • Investigation of plant coloration.
  • Research on plant trait regulation networks.

Sample Requirements for Carotenoid Assay

Sample TypeSample ConditionSample PreparationSample AmountExtraction MethodDetection MethodNotes
Leafy VegetablesFresh, freeze-dried, or frozenChop and homogenize0.5–2 gMethanol and hexaneHPLC-DAD or HPLC-MSProtect from light, process quickly
Fruits (Tomatoes, Mango)Fresh, puree, or lyophilizedHomogenize or blend1–2 gHexane, acetone, or ethanolHPLC, UV-Vis SpectrometryCold extraction to avoid isomerization
Root Vegetables (Carrots)Fresh or freeze-driedGrate and homogenize1 gHexane or acetoneHPLC-DADAvoid prolonged light exposure
Red PeppersFresh or freeze-driedFinely chop0.5–1 gEthanol and hexaneHPLC or UV-Vis SpectrometryHandle in low oxygen environment
AlgaeFreeze-driedGrind to powder0.5–1 gEthanol and chloroformHPLC or Mass SpectrometryStore at -20°C to prevent degradation
Crustaceans (Shrimp)Frozen or freeze-driedDeshell, homogenize1–2 gEthanol and hexaneHPLC, UV-VisExtract immediately after thawing
Corn KernelsFresh or freeze-driedGrind to powder0.5–1 gEthanol, hexane, or acetoneHPLC-DAD or HPLC-MSProtect from heat and light
Animal TissueFresh, frozen, or freeze-driedHomogenize, avoid thawing0.5–2 gAcetone or ethanolHPLCKeep samples at -80°C
Microbial CulturesFreeze-driedLyophilize and grind0.5–1 gAcetone extractionHPLC or SpectrophotometryMinimize exposure to light and oxygen
Oil Samples (Palm Oil)Liquid or freeze-driedDirect extraction0.5 mL or 0.5–1 g if solidHexane or acetoneHPLC, UV-VisKeep samples in amber glass containers
Leaf TissueFresh, freeze-driedHomogenize in low light0.5–2 gMethanol or acetoneHPLC-PDAExtract quickly to prevent degradation
Yellow Fruits (Papaya)Fresh or lyophilizedBlend thoroughly1 gHexane or acetoneHPLCProtect from oxidation
Green Leafy VegetablesFresh, frozen, or lyophilizedChop finely0.5–2 gMethanol or hexaneHPLC-MS or HPLC-DADMinimize handling time
Floral Petals (Marigold)Fresh or freeze-driedHomogenize0.5–1 gMethanol and hexaneHPLCStore at -20°C for stability
Yellow CornmealPowderUse directly0.5 gEthanol or hexaneHPLCProtect from heat
Dried Fruit PowdersPowderNo further preparation needed0.5 gHexane or acetoneHPLC or UV-VisKeep samples in desiccator
Pumpkin FleshFresh or freeze-driedHomogenize0.5–1 gHexane or acetoneHPLC-DADStore in airtight container post-extraction

Carotenoid ChromatogramsCarotenoid Chromatograms

Transcriptome analysis and metabolic profilingreveal the key role of carotenoids in thepetal coloration of Liriodendron tulipifera[2]

The coloration of leaves and petals holds significant economic value in ornamental plants. Liriodendron tulipifera, a highly popular ornamental horticultural plant in North America, features an orange stripe at the base of its leaves. However, the regulatory mechanism responsible for this orange striping remains unclear. This study revealed that during the petal formation process, the petal stripes appear pale yellow when the bracts (modified leaves) have fully senesced or fallen off, while they become deep orange when the petals are fully expanded.

Metabolically, the key pigment responsible for the coloration of petal stripes is the specific local accumulation of γ-carotenoids. At the transcriptional level, there are two major rate-limiting enzymes in the carotenoid synthesis process: carotenoid isomerase (CRTISO) and ε-lycopene cyclase (ε-LCY). These two enzymes are primarily responsible for the accumulation of the specific orange pigments in the petal stripes.

In comparison to Chinese Liriodendron tulipifera, the primary reason for the formation of orange petal stripes in North American Liriodendron tulipifera is the specific expression of ε-LCY.

Gene Regulation in Petal DevelopmentGene Regulation in Petal Development

Development of zeaxanthin-rich tomato fruit throughgenetic manipulations of carotenoid biosynthesis[3]

Carotenoid Metabolic Engineering in Tomatoes for Enhanced Zeaxanthin Content

Zeaxanthin, an oxygen-containing carotenoid, is a lipophilic pigment found in tomatoes and is a dihydroxylated derivative of β-carotene. It is known for its potential health benefits, including the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the mitigation of atherosclerosis.

In this study, two approaches were employed to increase zeaxanthin content in tomato varieties: transgenic metabolic engineering and conventional breeding methods.

In the conventional breeding approach, hybridization was carried out by crossing a Bsh mutant (lacking the CYCB enzyme responsible for zeaxanthin synthesis) with a high zeaxanthin-producing hp3 individual. The resulting double mutant, BSH/hp3, was then further crossed with a gs individual (containing the STAY-GREEN mutation), yielding a triple mutant. Lastly, this triple mutant was crossed with a high-pigment mutant hp2dg to generate a quadruple homozygous mutant designated as "Xantomato." Throughout these successive crosses, the accumulation of zeaxanthin gradually increased.

In the transgenic approach, the β-carotene hydroxylase (BCH) gene was overexpressed in the BSH/hp3 mutant. This overexpression resulted in the gradual accumulation of zeaxanthin in the fruit during ripening, demonstrating that the overexpression of enzymes upstream in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway can facilitate the accumulation of zeaxanthin.

These findings reveal that both breeding and transgenic approaches can be effective in enhancing zeaxanthin content in tomatoes.

Composition of Carotenoids (μg/g, FW) in Xantomato (a) and Control Group M82 (b)Composition of Carotenoids (μg/g, FW) in "Xantomato" (a) and Control Group M82 (b): (Note: FW refers to sample fresh weight; DW refers to sample dry weight.)

Improving the cancer prevention/treatment role of carotenoids through various nano-delivery systems[4]

In recent years, research on the use of natural bioactive compounds and plant-derived chemicals for cancer prevention and treatment has been steadily increasing. Carotenoids, which include substances like lycopene, β-carotene, astaxanthin, and lutein, have garnered attention due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and free radical scavenging properties. They have also been shown to induce cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and tumor cell differentiation, contributing to the prevention of various diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular conditions.

However, carotenoids are lipophilic compounds, and their pharmacological functions are often constrained by low solubility and limited bioavailability. The development of novel nanomaterials offers a promising opportunity for targeted delivery and controlled release of carotenoids. This article elaborates on the utilization of various types of nanomaterials to load carotenoids, enabling targeted drug delivery and controlled release. For instance, compared to free β-carotene, β-carotene carried by lipid-based nano-carriers composed of soy lecithin and cholesterol exhibits enhanced apoptosis-inducing effects, serving as a foundation for leukemia treatment. Additionally, the use of poly-L-lysine (PLL)-modified nanoliposomes to deliver lutein helps protect lutein from external conditions and facilitates its release in simulated gastric and intestinal fluids. This approach enhances cellular uptake of lutein, thereby inhibiting the development of human colon cells.

Carotenoids Analysis Service


  1. García-Cerdán JG, Schmid EM, Takeuchi T, et al. Chloroplast Sec14-like 1 (CPSFL1) is essential for normal chloroplast development and affects carotenoid accumulation in Chlamydomonas. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Jun 2;117(22):12452-12463.
  2. Hao Z, Liu S, Hu L, et a. Transcriptome analysis and metabolic profiling reveal the key role of carotenoids in the petal coloration of Liriodendron tulipifera. Hortic Res. 2020 May 1;7:70.
  3. Karniel U, Koch A, Zamir D, et al. Development of zeaxanthin-rich tomato fruit through genetic manipulations of carotenoid biosynthesis. Plant Biotechnol J. 2020 Nov;18(11):2292-2303.
  4. Zare M, Norouzi Roshan Z, Assadpour E, et al. Improving the cancer prevention/treatment role of carotenoids through various nano-delivery systems. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2021;61(3):522-534.
  5. Seel W, Baust D, Sons D, et al. Carotenoids are used as regulators for membrane fluidity by Staphylococcus xylosus. Sci Rep. 2020 Jan 15;10(1):330.

Can your analysis detect both free and esterified forms of carotenoids?

Yes, we can differentiate between free and esterified carotenoids using advanced HPLC and mass spectrometry techniques. Esterified carotenoids, which are commonly found in some fruits and marine sources, require specific extraction methods to preserve the ester bond. For the most accurate profile, let us know the source and form of your carotenoid sample so that we can adjust the extraction and detection protocols accordingly.

What factors might affect the accuracy and reproducibility of carotenoid analysis?

Several factors impact carotenoid assay accuracy: sample freshness, exposure to light and oxygen, and sample homogeneity are critical. Using suboptimal extraction solvents or allowing the sample to thaw can lead to carotenoid loss. Also, different matrices require different extraction methods; for example, carotenoids in algae require harsher solvents than those in leafy greens. Our standardized protocols and high-precision HPLC instruments are designed to minimize variability, but sample handling before reaching our lab is equally important.

Are there any matrix effects or interferences that can affect carotenoid quantification?

Yes, certain matrices, such as those high in lipids or polyphenols, can interfere with carotenoid extraction and quantification. Lipid-rich samples, for instance, may require additional saponification steps to separate carotenoids from fatty acids. Polyphenol-rich samples might need modified solvent systems to prevent carotenoid degradation. We optimize extraction methods for each matrix to ensure accurate results; however, providing matrix-specific information when submitting your sample can help us tailor the approach.

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Metabolomics Sample Submission Guidelines

Download our Metabolomics Sample Preparation Guide for essential instructions on proper sample collection, storage, and transport for optimal experimental results. The guide covers various sample types, including tissues, serum, urine, and cells, along with quantity requirements for untargeted and targeted metabolomics.

Metabolomics Sample Submission Guidelines
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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