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Strigolactones Quantitative Detection Service

Introduction to Strigolactone (SL) Services

Strigolactones (SLs) are signal molecules and plant hormones derived from carotenoids. They enable root parasitic plants and symbiotic fungi to detect their host plants. Highly branched or tillering mutants in Arabidopsis, dwarf peas, and rice have greatly facilitated the identification of SL biosynthetic enzymes and signaling components. Carotenoid precursors undergo isomerization and cleavage to produce lactones, which are further oxidized and modified, resulting in a range of strigolactone structures.

In addition to their role in stem and branch regulation, SLs are now considered a novel plant hormone involved in various aspects of plant development. SLs participate in the regulation of internode length, leaf morphology, leaf senescence, stem gravitropism, stem thickness, seed germination, early seedling development, and moss colony growth. In the root system, SLs enhance primary root growth, root hair elongation, and rice crown root development while inhibiting adventitious root formation in Arabidopsis, tomato, and peas. SLs also play a crucial role in adaptive responses to environmental factors such as phosphate, nitrogen, light, drought, and high salinity.

Structure of strigolactonesStructure of strigolactones (Yuichiro Tsuchiya et al,. Molecular BioSystems 2012)

What We Detect

No.IndicatorCAS NumberDetection MethodSample Requirements
1Strigolactone (epi-5DS)139540-45-7External StandardFresh Plant Samples/Seeds

Insights into Strigolactones (SLs) Discovery and Functions

SLs were originally discovered in root exudates and served as rhizospheric signals, stimulating seed germination in parasitic plants and establishing connections between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their hosts.

Naturally occurring SLs share a common structural feature, with a tricyclic lactone ABC ring linked to a butenolide d-ring via an enol ether bridge.

Highly branched or tillering mutants identified in Arabidopsis, dwarf peas, and rice have led to the discovery of key enzymes and signaling components involved in SL biosynthesis.

SLs originate from carotenoid precursors, undergoing isomerization, consecutive cleavage, oxidation, and further modifications, resulting in diverse SL structures.

SLs are transported from roots to stems, playing a systematic and pivotal role in stem architecture regulation, while also influencing lateral root and root hair development in the root system.

Perception of SLs relies on a novel mechanism involving serine hydrolase-type receptor D14, which attacks SLs and covalently modifies them. Subsequently, this triggers interactions between D14 and F-box proteins D3 (in rice) or MAX2 (in Arabidopsis), leading to ubiquitination and degradation of transcriptional regulators D53 or D53-like SMXLs.

SLs interact with various environmental signals and other plant hormones, controlling the overall plant architecture and optimizing root and stem development in changing environments.

Impact of Strigolactones (SLs) on Fungal Parasitism Seed Germination and Branching Patterns

Sampling Instructions

To ensure minimal errors arising from individual variations, we recommend adhering to the "multiple individuals, multiple points sampling principle." It is essential to collect fresh plant samples, rinse the materials with pure water, and promptly freeze them in liquid nitrogen. Subsequently, place them in storage tubes or wrap them in aluminum foil, label with identification numbers, and transport with dry ice. Due to plants' stress response to damage, which can affect hormone levels, it is crucial to minimize the exposure time of plant samples at room temperature and create an ultra-low-temperature environment to slow down endogenous hormone degradation.

Research Applications

Biochemical analyses of shoot-branching mutants involving critical enzymes and metabolic intermediates have identified key components in SL biosynthesis. However, the active forms of SLs and their roles in plant development remain to be elucidated. Understanding the biochemical functions of MAX1 and its homologs in different species, as well as the identification of novel enzymes involved in SL biosynthesis, will provide essential insights into the complete landscape of the SL biosynthesis pathway.

CLIM is considered an active intermediate derived from SLs, covalently linked to AtD14, triggering conformational changes in AtD14. Currently, it is unclear whether these intermediates have additional structures in vivo and whether D14 can recognize different forms of SLs and transmit distinct signals for SLs' various functions.

The mechanism of SL signal deactivation triggered by the D14-SCFD3/MAX2-D53 complex, due to the covalent connection between D14 and CLIM, remains unresolved. Recently, it has been demonstrated that AtD14 undergoes 26S proteasome-dependent degradation, possibly as part of a negative feedback mechanism, but the molecular mechanism of D14 degradation remains unclear.

The assembly sequence of SL receptors, strigolactone receptor DWARF14 (D14), the strigolactone signaling repressor D53, and proteins targeted for degradation remains unclear. It is currently unknown whether D53 and D53-like proteins interact with transcription factors, regulating the expression of downstream target genes and various developmental processes.

Further exploration is needed to identify genes that respond rapidly to SL treatments. Additionally, the mechanisms through which SLs modulate different aspects of plant development and respond to environmental signals remain unclear. Elucidating the downstream signal transduction mechanisms of the D14-SCFD3/MAX2-D53 complex is crucial for understanding the perception and signal transduction of SLs in plant cells.



Metabolomics Sample Submission Guidelines

Download our Metabolomics Sample Preparation Guide for essential instructions on proper sample collection, storage, and transport for optimal experimental results. The guide covers various sample types, including tissues, serum, urine, and cells, along with quantity requirements for untargeted and targeted metabolomics.

Metabolomics Sample Submission Guidelines
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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