Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM), also known as Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM), is used to monitor several selected precursor-fragment transitions of the targeted peptides. The selection of the SRM/MRM transitions is calculated based on the acquired data. SRM/MRM, using a triple quadrupole MS, consists of three steps: selection of targeted precursor peptides based on MS spectra, fragmentation one (or more) of these precursor peptides, and acquisition fragment ions based on MS/MS spectra. Up to 6000 transitions can be monitored by SRM/MRM technology. The advantages of SRM/MRM include flexibility, sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility, making it ideal for quantitative analysis which enables the precise quantification of protein networks in biological systems. Furthermore, SRM/MRM based quantification can be combined with different strategies for relative or absolute protein quantification.
Analytical Platform
AB SCIEX Triple TOF 5600,AB SCIEX Triple Quad™ 5500, Q-Exactive, Orbitrap Fusion
Bioinformatics Analysis
Problems to be Solved | Bioinformatics Analysis |
Quality Assessment of Protein | MRM Data Analysis |
Protein Comparison of Different Samples | Multivariate PCA Analysis |
Protein Statistical Analysis | Venn Diagram |
Volcano Plot | |
Functional Annotation | KEGG Annotation |
GO Annotation | |
COG Annotation | |
Clustering Analysis | Hierarchical Clustering |
K-Means Clustering | |
Network Analysis | STRING Analysis |
Sample Requirement
Based on our special protein extraction technology, we can quickly extract proteins from various samples and formulate unique experimental schemes according to different research purposes. Specific requirements are as follows:
Sample Type | Protein | Cell | Animal Tissue | Plant Tissue | Blood | Urine | Serum | Microbes |
Quantify | 100 ug | 1×107 cells | 1 g | 200 mg | 1 mL | 2 mL | 0.2-0.5 mL | Dry weighed: 200 mg |
Key Features
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4D Proteomics with Data-Independent Acquisition (DIA)
Online Inquiry
×Specializing in proteomics, Creative Proteomics offers cutting-edge protein analysis services. Our distinctive approach revolves around harnessing the power of DIA technology, enabling us to deliver precise and comprehensive insights that drive advancements in research and industry.