Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) Platform

Metabolic Flux Analysis

Metabolic flux analysis is a quantitative analytical method that uses a matrix model to represent intracellular reactions under the quasi-isotope hypothesis. Assuming that the concentration of intracellular intermediate metabolites is constant for a certain period of time, the unknown reaction rates can be determined based on mass balance and possibly energy balance, according to the measured relationships of the reactions in the metabolic pathway and the experimentally measured rates of substrate consumption or product production, and then the flux distribution pattern of the metabolic network is determined. Creative Proteomics has built a platform for metabolic flux analysis, providing an accurate quantitative description of metabolic properties, as well as some more in-depth information about the physiological aspects of bacteria. By comparing changes in metabolic fluxes, our experts can fully assess the impact of genetic and environmental disturbances and accurately characterize the importance of specific pathways and responses.


Creative Proteomics has built a platform for metabolic flux analysis, providing an accurate quantitative description of metabolic properties, as well as some more in-depth information about the physiological aspects of bacteria.

  • C-MFA


    We support the 13C-based metabolic flux analysis to accurately quantify the integrated response of metabolic networks by using the 13C-glucose and 13C-glutamine to label the central carbon metabolism of cell lines.

  • N-MFA


    Our teams apply the applicaiton of 15N to label specific molecules and track their metabolic processes in the organism to obtain information on the dynamics of metabolite.

  • Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA cycle)-MFA

    Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA cycle)-MFA

    Creative Proteomics can provide comprehensive tricarboxylic acid cycle-MFA services to detect the metabolites associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

  • Non-target MFA

    Non-target MFA

    Our non-targeted metabolic flux analysis services help to study known and unknown metabolites by using techniques capable of detecting large numbers of metabolites.

  • Dynamic Metabolic Flux Analysis

    Dynamic Metabolic Flux Analysis (DMFA)

    Aiming to help our clients gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of metabolism, Creative Proteomics has developed an efficient dynamic metabolic flux analysis framework for modeling central carbon fluxes over time.

  • Isotopically Nonstationary
Metabolic Flux Analysis (INST-MFA)

    Isotopically Nonstationary Metabolic Flux Analysis (INST-MFA)

    Our well-developed MFA platform has introduced the isotopically non-stationary 13C MFA approach, which is applicable to a diversity of autotrophic systems that are at metabolic steady state.

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