Targeted Metabolomics Service

Creative Proteomics offers an advanced targeted metabolomics service, combining cutting-edge analytical platforms with a vast metabolite database and customized quantitative assays.

Our service encompasses over 1000 endogenous metabolites across key biochemical classes and metabolic pathways, tailored to provide precise quantification and comprehensive insights.

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  • Metabolites Lists
  • Technical Platforms
  • Workflow
  • Applications
  • Database of Metabolites
  • Demo Result
  • FAQs
  • Case Study
  • Publications
  • Sample Requirements

What is Targeted Metabolomics?

Targeted metabolomics focuses exclusively on the measurement of known metabolites with specific chemical structures or biochemical markers. This technique allows for the optimization of sample preparation, minimizing the dominance of high abundance metabolites during analysis. By using standards—the gold standard for substance identification—targeted metabolomics enables precise quantification of the concentrations and variations of specific metabolites in biological samples.

Metabolites Lists

Service Contents

  • Targeted Metabolic Pathways
  • Targeted Metabolites
  • Plant Metabolites
  • Animal Hormones
  • Organic Compounds
  • Inorganic Compounds
  • Oxidative Stress Compounds
  • Carbohydrate Metabolites
  • Antibiotic Targeted Metabolomics
  • Herbal Medicine Ingredient
  • Custom Metabolite Panels

Oxidative Stress Compounds

Antibiotic Targeted Metabolomics

  • Sulfonamides
  • Quinolones
  • Tetracyclines
  • Macrolides
  • β-lactams
  • Chloramphenicols

Custom Metabolite Panels

Creative Proteomics offers custom metabolite panels that provide absolute quantitation for specific metabolites, helping researchers gain deeper insights into target molecules. Custom panels are designed flexibly according to client needs, making them an ideal choice for targeted research with precise analysis.

Technical Platforms

See more Creative Proteomics Mass Spectrometry

The targeted metabolomics service provided by Creative Proteomics is based on our cutting edge separation and analytical platforms. Our experienced technicians have optimized protocols, in order to provide best service to meet customers' requirement.

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis
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Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis
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How dose Targeted Metabolomics Works?

Qualitative Principle: Metabolite identification is primarily based on retention time in chromatography and the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) along with fragment ion information in mass spectrometry.

Quantitative Principle: Targeted metabolomics utilizes an absolute quantification approach. During the experimental phase, standard solutions of various concentration gradients are analyzed by chromatography-mass spectrometry to create a standard curve. Given the known concentration of standards, the peak areas of both the standards and the target compounds, the concentration and content of the target compounds in the sample are calculated using a specific formula.

Workflow of Targeted Metabolomics Service

Applications of Targeted Metabolomics

Oncology/Cancer Research

Targeted metabolomics aids in the early diagnosis and monitoring of cancer by identifying metabolic biomarkers, revealing metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells, and providing scientific insights for discovering therapeutic targets and precision treatment.

Agriculture & Breeding

In agriculture, targeted metabolomics analyzes the nutritional composition and quality of crops and livestock, monitors plant responses to environmental stress, and supports the selection of high-yield and stress-resistant varieties.

Environmental research

Targeted metabolomics detects biomarkers of pollutant exposure in organisms, studies the metabolic impact of environmental toxins, and helps assess the potential risks of pollutants to human health and ecosystems.

Drug Screening and Development

In drug development, targeted metabolomics evaluates drug efficacy and safet y, analyzes drug metabolism, and discovers biomarkers to monitor therapeutic effects in clinical trials.


Targeted metabolomics helps elucidate host-microbe interactions, identifies microbial metabolites associated with diseases, and aids in the development of microbiome-based therapies to optimize health through metabolic modulation.

Database of Metabolites

Demo Result of Targeted Metabolomics Service

Figures come from (Li,, Sci Rep,2023)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) chart showing the distribution of samples across principal components

Quickly show the distribution of samples across principal components.

Orthogonal Partial Least Squares Method-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) point cloud diagram illustrating the separation of sample groups in a multidimensional space

OPLC-DA point cloud diagram

Illustrate the separation of sample groups in a multidimensional space.

Volcano plot depicting multiplicative changes in metabolite levels, highlighting statistically significant variations

Plot of multiplicative change volcanoes

Volcano plot depicting multiplicative changes in metabolite levels.

Dendrogram representing hierarchical clustering of samples.

Sample Hierarchical Clustering

Each column in the figure represents a sample

Targeted Metabolomics FAQs

Why can absolute quantification be done by targeting Metabolomics?

Absolute quantification is achievable in targeted metabolomics because it uses specific standards for each metabolite being quantified. By comparing the sample signals with those from known concentrations of standards, precise quantification is possible.

What Is the Difference Between Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics?

Targeted metabolomics focuses on detecting and quantifying specific, preselected metabolites, whereas untargeted metabolomics aims to profile as many metabolites as possible in a sample without pre-selection.Targeted metabolomics is preferred when precise quantification of specific metabolites is needed, often in studies that require high accuracy, such as biomarker validation or clinical research.

What is the difference between GC-MS detection and Solid Phase Microextraction GC-MS detection?

The difference between GC-MS detection and Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) GC-MS detection lies in the target analytes and sample preparation methods. GC-MS detection is primarily used for analyzing small molecules with low boiling points and good thermal stability, commonly applied in primary metabolite research. In contrast, SPME GC-MS focuses on detecting volatile or semi-volatile compounds. The SPME technique uses a coated quartz fiber to adsorb and concentrate volatile compounds from the headspace gas, followed by desorption and injection into the GC-MS for analysis. This method is suitable for detecting volatile or odor compounds in gas, liquid, or solid samples.

What are the criteria for differentiating metabolites?

In addition to fold change and P value, the VIP score is also an essential criterion for identifying significantly different metabolites. VIP (Variable Importance in Projection) is a variable weight score from the (O)PLS-DA model that measures the impact and explanatory power of each metabolite's accumulation differences on the classification and discrimination of sample groups.

A common threshold for selecting different metabolites is VIP ≥ 1.

Learn about other Q&A about other technologies.

Targeted Metabolomics Case Study

Why Creative Proteomics?

  • Individualized experimental protocols
  • We can select different pre-treatment methods according to sample types, optimize chromatographic separation and mass spectrometry conditions, etc. Targeted detection of metabolites, greatly improving the sensitivity, accuracy, specificity and reproducibility of detection, leading to absolute quantitative study of metabolites and information mining of metabolites.
  • Excellent high-throughput qualitative and quantitative capabilities.
  • High-resolution mass spectrometry, combined with a rich library of standards, which can simultaneously achieve absolute quantification of more than 1000 endogenous metabolites in 26 major classes.
  • Targeted assays cover 26 categories of endogenous metabolites, including fatty acids, amino acids, bile acids, hormones, neurotransmitters, and oxidized trimethylamine.
  • Professional assay and analysis capability.
  • Strict quality control system, ultra-high resolution ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry system, and professional data pre-processing and analysis capabilities, data reliability and accuracy.
  • Triple quadruple MRM mode, the gold standard for quantification, to accurate detect of the absolute content of substances.


Here are some publications from our clients:

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Sample Requirements

Sample typeRecommended sample sizePre-treatment and storage
Tissue100-200 mgSnap freezing in liquid nitrogen, stored at -80℃.
Urine200-500 μL5000×g 4℃ Centrifuge for 30-60min, remove supernatant, store at -80℃.
Serum/plasma>100 μLCollected serum/plasma, snap freezing in liquid nitrogen, stored at -80℃.
Cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid, bile and other body fluids>200 μL4℃ Centrifuge for 10min, (or filter using 0.22μm membrane), remove supernatant and store at -80℃.
Suspension cells>1*107Centrifuge and collect cells after liquid nitrogen snap freezing and store at -80℃.
Walled cells>1*107Cultured walled cells are stored in 1.5ml centrifuge tubes, snap freezing in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80℃.
Cell supernatant>2 mLcentrifuge at 4℃ for 3 minutes, take the supernatant and store at -80℃.

The recommended number of sample replicates for targeted metabolomics is as follows

Animal samples (various tissues, blood plasma)≥ 6 replicates per group
Plant, microbial samples (leaf, root tissue)3 replicates per group
Cell samples3 replicates per group
Clinical samples (serum, urine, various tissues, etc.)≥ 10 replicates per group

Metabolomics Sample Submission Guidelines

Download our Metabolomics Sample Preparation Guide for essential instructions on proper sample collection, storage, and transport for optimal experimental results. The guide covers various sample types, including tissues, serum, urine, and cells, along with quantity requirements for untargeted and targeted metabolomics.

Metabolomics Sample Submission Guidelines
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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