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Metaproteomics, as an experimental approach, serves to investigate the entirety of proteins within microbial communities and environmental microbiomes, facilitating the identification and quantification of proteins in intricate microbial settings. Leveraging extensive expertise, Creative Proteomics extends top-tier metaproteomics services, delivering valuable perspectives for your protein-centric research endeavors.

What is Metaproteomics

Metaproteomics is a field of study that focuses on characterizing the collective proteome of microbial communities within complex environmental samples. Unlike traditional proteomics that analyzes individual organisms, metaproteomics delves into the dynamic and interconnected protein expression profiles of diverse microorganisms coexisting in a specific ecosystem. By deciphering the metaproteome, researchers gain insights into the functional activities, metabolic processes, and ecological interactions of microbial communities in various environments, ranging from soils and oceans to the human gut.

Fig.1 Schematic of metaproteomics

Fig.1 Schematic of metaproteomics (Timmins-Schiffman, E., et al.; 2020)

Metaproteomics involves the extraction, identification, and quantification of proteins from complex microbial mixtures. Sample preparation is crucial, often requiring techniques to lyse cells, fractionate proteins, and remove contaminants. Advanced mass spectrometry and bioinformatics tools are then employed to analyze the metaproteome. Because metaproteomics deals with diverse microbial species, it presents challenges such as dealing with sequence databases containing multiple genomes and resolving issues related to the varying abundances of different organisms within the community.

Applications of Metaproteomics

Metaproteomics finds applications in understanding the functional dynamics of microbial communities in diverse ecosystems, such as:


In the human microbiome, metaproteomics provides insights into the functional activities of microbial communities, contributing to our understanding of health and disease.


In environmental science, it helps elucidate the roles of microorganisms in nutrient cycling, carbon metabolism, and other ecosystem processes.


In biotechnology, metaproteomics guides the optimization of microbial processes for applications such as wastewater treatment, bioremediation, and the production of biofuels.

As the understanding of microbial interactions deepens, metaproteomics continues to play a pivotal role in advancing the knowledge of the functional aspects of complex microbial ecosystems.

Our Service

With advanced protein detection technology, Creative Proteomics provides targeted solutions for researchers and scientists to help them utilize powerful analytical techniques to reveal the complexity of the proteome. With our thoughtful and detailed services, you can choose any protein analysis, including qualitative, quantitative, targeted and PTM analysis, and we will provide you with a detailed plan according to your requirements. The metaproteomics service process is as follows:

Fig.2 Metaproteomics service workflow

Fig.2 Metaproteomics service workflow

Creative Proteomics brings a wealth of experience to the field of protein research. Our comprehensive services and products cover the entire spectrum of utilizing suitable and efficient gateways. Utilizing our proprietary platform, we have successfully implemented many proteomics research projects. If you are interested, please contact us for more information and a quote.


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