Protein Drug Characterization / Creative Proteomics
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Protein Sequence Determination Inquiry

Creative Proteomics provides protein sequence determination service to help our customers further protein identity determination, primary structure characterization and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) to meet the the structural characterization requirements of ICH Q6B guidelines.

What is Protein Sequence?

The primary structure of a protein elucidates the sequential arrangement of amino acids within a protein molecule. Structurally, a protein is comprised of a linear series of amino acids interconnected by peptide linkages. This sequence of amino acid residues, governed by genetic matter, is what we denote as protein primary structure. The primary structure delineates the fundamental blueprint for higher order structures within proteins. It is crucial to note that functional alterations within proteins are predominantly attributed to alterations in their primary structure.

Fig 1. Exploration of the protein sequence encoded by TSEG2 from Datong yak.Fig 1. Exploration of the protein sequence encoded by TSEG2 from Datong yak. (Kalwar, et al.; 2019)

Insight into Protein Sequence

Protein sequence analysis is of paramount significance in estimating the tertiary conformation of proteins, thereby aiding in the comprehension of the molecule’s functionality, propensity for binding with potential drugs, and intermolecular interactions:

Structural Prediction Structural Prediction

The systematic study of the linear arrangement of amino acids in protein structures permits the forecasting of the proteins' purpose or involvement in biological processes.

Functional Analysis Comparative Genomics

Through rigorous juxtaposition of protein sequences from discrete species, researchers gain enlightenment regarding the evolutionary lineage and preservation of proteins. Concurrently, it enables the earmarking of homologous proteins that bear analogous functions.

Protein-Protein Interactions Protein-Protein Interactions

Employing protein sequence analysis tools, scientists can forecast and probe the interactions occurring between proteins, thereby delineating complex molecular networks within the organism.

Drug Target Identification Drug Target Identification

By analyzing the sequences of proteins involved in disease pathways, researchers can design drugs that specifically target and modulate those proteins.

Diagnostic Applications Diagnostic Applications

Protein sequence analysis can be used in clinical settings to identify genetic mutations or variations in protein-coding genes.

Protein Sequencing Determination Methodology

1. Protein sequencing by Edman degradation

Edman degradation is based on N-terminal modify cation followed by cleavage of one amino acid at a time from the rest of polypeptide chain and then identifying the modify ed amino acid that is released by chromatography. It is currently followed to determine the sequence of a large number of unknown proteins.

Fig 2. Flow chart for protein sequencing by Edman degradation.Fig 2. Flow chart for protein sequencing by Edman degradation. (Saraswathy, N., & Ramalingam, P; 2011)

2. De novo protein sequencing by mass spectrometry

Thanks to the new sensitive mass spectrometric techniques like ESI-MS in tandem mode to achieve the fragmentation, the amino acid sequence can be identified ed from the mass spectrum using computer algorithms. This technique has become popular for protein sequence determination followed by protein identify cation from database.

Fig 3. Protein sequencing using tandem MS.Fig 3. Protein sequencing using tandem MS. (Saraswathy, N., & Ramalingam, P; 2011)

Our Services

We provide comprehensive protein sequence determination services to innovative biotechnology companies, research institutions and pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the development of protein drugs. Our services include, but are not limited to:

Amino Acid Analysis Service

Amino Acid Analysis Service

We are dedicated to assisting our clients identifying the unique amino acid sequences of protein drugs, setting the groundwork for additional comprehension of the structure and functionality of proteins.

Peptide Mapping Service

We are committed to providing our customers with automated and highly sensitive peptide map analysis to comprehensively analyze amino acid sequences, which are essential for protein drug development.

Peptide Mapping Service

N-Terminal Sequencing Service

N-Terminal Sequencing Service

We are dedicated to N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis to help characterize the high-order structure of proteins and confirm whether recombinant proteins are fully expressed.

C-Terminal Sequencing Service

We are committed to providing efficient and accurate C-terminal sequencing services to investigate the amino acid species and sequence of the C-terminus of proteins, which helps to reveal the structure and function of proteins.

C-Terminal Sequencing Service

Service Process

Service Process

Our Goals

At Creative Proteomics, we endeavor to empower our clients by furthering their understanding and knowledge of protein structure, composition, and function. Our professional team of scientists offers exceptional protein characterization services that align stringently with ICH Q6B regulations. These reliable services significantly contribute to the progression of biomedical research and pharmaceutical product development. If you require specific queries or adjustments regarding our protein sequence determination offerings, we welcome your input and discussion. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us..


  1. Kalwar, et al.; Molecular Cloning and Characterization of SYCP3 and TSEG2 Genes in the Testicles of Sexually Mature and Immature Yak. Genes. 2019, 10(11), 867.
  2. Saraswathy, N., & Ramalingam, P. Protein sequencing techniques. Concepts and Techniques in Genomics and Proteomics. 2011, 193–201.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.