Protein Drug Characterization / Creative Proteomics

Protein Structure Confirmation Service

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Protein Structure Confirmation Service Inquiry

Creative Proteomics provides protein sructure confirmation services, utilizing a variety of methods for verification and validation to ensure that the protein structures obtained are highly accurate and reliable, and in accordance with ICH Q6B guidelines. Meanwhile, protein structure confirmation is also an important foundation for protein research and application, providing key information and support for drug design, biotherapeutics and other research.

What is Protein Structure?

In protein biology, the term "protein structure" denotes the unique three-dimensional geometric configuration of atomistic elements within a protein molecule. The structural organization assumes a hierarchical classification into four distinctive strata. These strata or levels are identified as primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.

  • The primary structure is essentially characterized by the linear chain of amino acids that constitute the generative foundation of the protein molecule.
  • The secondary structure, on the other hand, pertains to the self-organized yet localized folding motifs such as the alpha helices and beta-pleated sheets that emerge through persistent hydrogen bonding amongst the constituent amino acids.
  • The tertiary structure refers to the elaborate three-dimensional conformation of the entire protein molecule adopted as a consequence of myriad interactions amongst the side chains of the amino acids in question.
  • Lastly, the quaternary structure is suggestive of the spatial disposition of multiple protein subunits amalgamated into a supra-protein complex.

Protein StructureFig 1. Protein Structure.

Why do Protein Structure Confirmation?

Confirming the protein structure helps in:

Rational Drug Design

Understanding Protein Function: Studying the intricate architecture of proteins aids our understanding of how these essential molecules interact with ligands, substrates, and other proteins. Gaining an insight into protein function may enhance our knowledge about protein-protein interactions, signal transduction pathways, and the workings of enzymatic processes.

Protein Engineering and Design: Ascertaining protein structures enables the field of protein engineering and design. A sound understanding of a protein's structure-function relationship enables researchers to tailor these macromolecules with augmented or novel functionalities. This holds immense implications for various scientific domains, including medicine, biotechnology, and industry.

Protein Engineering and Design

Researching Protein Dynamics

Researching Protein Dynamics: Analyzing protein dynamics is another significant research avenue benefitted from determining protein structures. Ascertaining the structural details of proteins anchors the understanding of their characteristics and behaviors, paving the way for a comprehensive modeling and prediction of their dynamics in living organisms.

Rational Drug Design: Understanding the protein structures can be conducive to rational drug design as well. By identifying regions on the protein's surface that could serve as potential binding sites, scientists can generate leads for therapeutic agents. By studying the protein's features and topology, it is possible to fine-tune drugs that interface with proteins, resulting in the manipulation of the protein's activities.

Rational Drug Design

Our Services

Creative Proteomics provides customers with protein primary structure analysis services to determine the unique amino acid sequence of proteins, including the order of amino acid residues and the location of disulfide bonds, through a series of biochemical and spectroscopic analysis methods.

Creative Proteomics offers protein molecular weight analysis services to determine the molecular weight of proteins, control the quality of protein products, and help researchers understand the molecular structure and properties of proteins so as to gain a deeper understanding of their functions and mechanisms of action.

Protein sequence determination service is provided by Creative Proteomics to determine the particular order or arrangement of amino acids in a protein molecule. Peptide bonds connect linear chains of amino acids to form the protein's basic structure.

Protein disulfide bonds are covalent bonds formed between two sulfur atoms, which have the functions of stabilizing protein structure, regulating protein activity, participating in protein interactions, and participating in protein transport and localization, etc. Creative Proteomics offers disulfide bridge (S-S) analysis service, which can determine the presence and location of disulfide bonds in proteins.

Sulfhydryl groups in proteins are highly reactive sulfur groups that can interact with other molecules or proteins to affect the structure and function of proteins. To evaluate the amount and position of free sulfhydryl groups in proteins, Creative Proteomics provides a free sulfhydryl analysis service.

Protein covalent links include peptide, disulfide, ester, and amide bonds, which constitute the foundation of protein structure and function. Conjugation position can reveal essential details about the structure and function of proteins. Conjugation position analysis service is provided by Creative Proteomics to determine the position and type of covalent bonds in proteins.

Sequence variation in proteins can lead to structural and functional changes, which in turn can affect the phenotype of an organism and the onset of disease. Creative Proteomics offers the protein sequence variant analysis service to identify, classify and interpret variations in protein sequences through bioinformatics and molecular biology methods.

The higher-order structures of proteins include the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. Creative Proteomics provides higher-order structure analysis service to help researchers gain insights into the high-order structure and function of proteins, which can reveal the physiological and pathological processes of organisms and provide important information for disease treatment and drug design.

The secondary structure of a protein refers to the way the protein polypeptide chain is folded and coiled in space, and common secondary structures include α-helix, β-folding, β-cornering, etc. Creative Proteomics provides to the secondary structure analysis service of proteins, which analyzes the way the peptide chain's main chain is folded and coiled.

Protein tertiary structure refers to the three-dimensional folding and assembly of protein polypeptide chains in space, which includes intra-chain and inter-chain interactions, secondary structure arrangement and folding, and the creation of hydrophobic cores, among other things. The tertiary structure analysis service from Creative Proteomics analyzes and interprets the three-dimensional structure of proteins.

Sample Requirement

Sample Type Protein Cell Animal tissue Plant Tissue Blood (EDTA added) Serum Urine Microbes
Quantity 100 ug 2X107 cells 1g 200 mg 1mL 0.2-0.5 mL 2 mL Dry weighed: 200 mg

Our Goals

Creative Proteomics offers comprehensive, customizable, and reliable protein structure confirmation service backed by cutting-edge technology and the expertise of our experienced team. Our commitment to quality, efficiency, and environmental responsibility sets us apart. Trust us to be your partner in uncovering the secrets of protein structure and driving progress in the field of biology. If you are interested in our services or have any additional questions, please contact us for more information.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.