PTM Proteomics Analysis - Creative Proteomics
Quantitative Ubiquitylomics Analysis Service

Quantitative Ubiquitylomics Analysis Service

Online Inquiry

Creative Proteomics is a leading international PTM proteomics contract research organization (CRO) company. We work on a wide variety of PTM analyses to help obtain faster and more accurate molecular mechanisms of protein PTMs. With the optimizations in sample preparation, mass spectrometry (MS), data acquisition mode (such as data-independent acquisition, DIA), and data analysis algorithm, we are able to achieve a more sensitive and comprehensive ubiquitinomics analysis.

Methods for ubiquitination studies

Quantitative Ubiquitylomics Analysis Service

MS is the primary platform for studying ubiquitination, with over 95% of current data for PTMs coming from MS-based proteomic studies. The ubiquitylomics approach is used to identify ubiquitination sites in their primary targets and to quantify them in combination with ubiquitin chain linkage types in specific proteins or specific organelles. Enrichment of ubiquitinated peptides from proteins purified under different conditions is usually performed by affinity purification or antibodies. The data of quantitative ubiquitylomics can explain how the study subjects change the level of modification in response to different perturbations.

Quantitative ubiquitylomics analysis service

We specialize in ubiquitination analysis of MS-based proteomics. A high-quality anti-k-ε-GG antibody-based proteomics approach is utilized to enhance the large-scale integrated mapping of ubiquitination signals and the understanding of ubiquitination functions in relevant diseases. We offer two major quantitative ubiquitylomics analysis strategies, including the label-free and tandem mass tag labeling (TMT)-based quantitative approach with high-resolution LC-MS/MS analysis. The workflow of quantitative ubiquitylomics analysis consists of the following steps:

  • Sample preparation and test.
  • Target protein extraction and purification.
  • Enzymatic cleavage of target proteins into peptide fragments.
  • TMT labeling of peptide fragments (TMT-based quantification ubiquitylomics analysis).
  • Lysine ubiquitylated peptide enrichment.
  • Label-free quantitative proteomics is widely used to detect, identify, and quantify ubiquitylome in a given condition (Label-free quantification ubiquitylomics analysis).
  • Sequence analysis of the enriched ubiquitinated peptides using LC-MS/MS.
  • Biostatistics and bioinformatics analysis

Biostatistics and bioinformatics analysis content

  • Data clean-up and quality control.
  • Differential ubiquitinated protein expression analysis.
  • Cluster analysis.
  • Pathway analysis.
  • Custom analysis.

Sample requirements

  • Acceptable samples: Protein extracts, cell samples, tissue samples (animal and plant), body fluid samples (such as blood and urine), and microorganism samples.
  • Sample shipping: Sufficient amount of dry ice for shipping, or consult our technical staff before sending samples.
  • Before the formal experiment, we will always test the samples you provide.

Advantages of our service

  • Professional evaluation and experimental design.
  • Solving problems with professional knowledge and creativity.
  • Complex and accurate data interpretation.
  • Timely feedback on project progress.

Workflow of our service

How to order?- Creative Proteomics

Creative Proteomics specializes in applying optimized modified peptide enrichment techniques, advanced MS technologies, and novel bioinformatics analysis tools for protein PTM analysis. If you have any other questions about our services or need further assistance, please contact us, we are always ready to help you.

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Our products and services are for research use only.

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