PTM Proteomics Analysis - Creative Proteomics
Quantitative Acetylomics Analysis Service

Quantitative Acetylomics Analysis Service

Online Inquiry

With the development of proteomics research, researchers are increasingly aware of the importance of dynamic studies of post-translational modifications (PTMs) proteomics for the management and regulation processes of biological life activities. Namely, in addition to identifying the modification status at the level of the most closely related individual proteins, it is more important to study the dynamics of PTMs at the proteomic level. Based on high-quality modified peptide enrichment technology and accurate quantitative tools, such as stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ), and tandem mass tags (TMT), Creative Proteomics can help our clients achieve efficient quantitative acetylomics analysis.

Our quantitative acetylomics analysis

Our service combining acetylation-specific antibody enrichment technology and high-precision liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) allows large-scale identification and quantitative analysis of acetylated proteins and acetylation sites. Our quantitative acetylomics analysis service has proven to be reproducible and has promising applications. After accepting your sample, we will take care of all aspects of the project and provide analysis and reports until the customer is satisfied. You only need to tell us your experimental purpose and send us your samples. We will take care of all the follow-ups of your project, including protein extraction, protein digestion, acetylated peptide enrichment, peptide separation, MS analysis, raw MS data analysis, and bioinformatics analysis.

Workflow of quantitative acetylomics analysis

Quantitative Acetylomics Analysis Service

  • SILAC cell labeling, tissue/cell fragmentation, extraction, and purification of target proteins (SILAC-based quantification acetylomics analysis).
  • Enzymatic cleavage of target proteins into peptide fragments using trypsin.
  • iTRAQ/TMT labeling of peptide fragments (iTRAQ/TMT-based quantification acetylomics analysis).
  • Label-free quantitative proteomics is widely used to detect, identify, and quantify acetylome in a given condition.
  • Immunoenrichment of acetylated peptide fragments using an efficient and specific acetylation antibody.
  • Sequence analysis of the enriched acetylated peptides using LC-MS/MS.
  • Data analysis. The data are analyzed to compare the differences in the levels of protein acetylation in different samples and to explore the biological significance associated with them.

Sample requirements

  • Acceptable samples:
    -Protein extracts (total protein > 500 mg);
    -Cell samples (cell volume > 107);
    -Tissue samples (animal tissue >2000 mg, plant tissue >1000 mg);
    -Body fluid samples (blood, urine).
    -Microorganism dry weight > 200 mg.
  • Sample shipping: Sufficient amount of dry ice for shipping, or consult our technical staff before sending samples.
  • Before the formal experiment, we will always test the samples you provide.

We are committed to helping our clients achieve quantitative comparisons of biological samples at the level of PTMs in different physiological and pathological states, and to providing insight into the close connection between fluctuations in the level of PTMs and biological life activities. Please use our contact form for general inquiries. We will then forward your request to the right contact staff.


  1. Guo, Weiwei, et al. "Proteome and lysine acetylome analysis reveals insights into the molecular mechanism of seed germination in wheat." Scientific reports 10.1 (2020): 1-15.

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