PTM Proteomics Analysis - Creative Proteomics
Top-Down MS-Based PTM Analysis

Top-Down MS-Based PTM Analysis

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Creative Proteomics is a leading custom service provider in post-translational modification (PTM) proteomics analysis. Due to the high robustness and reproducibility of mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of PTMs, we are proud to provide MS-based proteomics for the large-scale identification and quantification of a wide range of PTMs. We are now offering a top-down MS-based PTM analysis service, which is part of our integrated portfolio of MS-based PTM analysis services.

Top-down proteomics

MS-based methods are currently the gold standard and most informative technique for the analysis of proteins and their PTM. In addition to the use of high-resolution instruments, the fragmentation of intact proteins is another option to explore minor modifications on a small percentage of proteins. The top-down approach analyzes intact proteins and does not require proteolytic digestion prior to MS analysis. It remains an attractive method to evaluate the overall modification status of proteins as well as their PTMs. However, this technique requires complex sample preparation, large amounts of purified proteins, and the generation of complex data, making PTM identification and computational analysis challenging.

Advantages of top-down proteomics

  • Due to the different ionization efficiencies of peptide fragments, there is no complication during protein analysis.
  • Since the whole protein is studied, there is no need for proteolytic digestion prior to MS analysis.
  • High coverage of protein sequence.
  • Identification of sequence variants and PTM combinations.
  • Suitable for the characterization of small proteins.

Top-Down MS-Based Post-Translational Modification Analysis Service

Top-down MS-based post-translational modification analysis service

To gain a comprehensive understanding of protein structure, a top-down MS-based approach is required. While top-down MS-based methods primarily analyze individual proteins and focus on targeted analysis of known proteins, the unique advantages of top-down MS continue to make it an extremely important analytical solution for characterizing PTMs. Selected protein ions can be disassembled into smaller charged fragments. Dissociation methods such as electron capture dissociation (ECD) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) are particularly suitable for the preservation of unstable PTMs. Based on top-down MS with ECD and ETD, our team of experts can help our global customers to achieve the following list:

  • Map PTMs with high coverage.
  • Identify novel PTMs.
  • Determine the order of multiple modifications.
  • Quantify multiple modified protein forms.
  • Determine intact protein or peptide masses.

Sample requirements

  • Acceptable samples: Protein extracts, cell samples, tissue samples, and microorganism samples.
  • Sample shipping: Sufficient amount of dry ice for shipping, or consult our technical staff before sending samples.
  • Before the formal experiment, we will always test the samples you provide.

Related services

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our top-down MS-based PTM analysis service. We look forward to working with you on your next project.


  1. Virág, Dávid, et al. "Current trends in the analysis of post-translational modifications." Chromatographia 83.1 (2020): 1-10.

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